Almost every MMO player is familiar with how potentially toxic online chats can be back in the day; even with today's games like New World, gamers are almost never safe from trash talk. While some of this can be seen as offensive online chat, sometimes gamers use this type of banter in a more playful way to promote friendly competition.

This might be the case in one of the newest cases of a player getting banned from online games. Twitch streamer was recently banned for using abusive language while casually farming for hemp in New World.

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The notification came as a surprise to Dyrus, and he isn't exactly sure what he did to warrant the ban in New World. However, there is a theory this is all due to a recent joke he made. One fan posted a clip of him on Twitter using the global chat to ask people, "Does anyone know where DN is?" to which he then followed up with "Deez Nuts."

Dyrus also shared a screenshot of the email he received from Amazon Game Studios after he tried appealing the ban. The email stated that after further reviewing the original instance, the disciplinary action was indeed warranted. On top of that, the company warned Dyrus that he couldn't assume a chat filter gives him permission to say anything he wants. The email then ends by saying that the company won't disclose any further information on the subject without mentioning what he was banned for in the first place.

While the joke isn't the most professional thing Dyrus could've said, it definitely strays far from abusive language. Most of Dyrus' fans have taken his side and replied to the tweet, saying that this is most likely due to the fact that Amazon uses bots to auto-filter for language. Without a human at the helm to understand what constitutes as a joke, a "Deez Nuts" joke was most likely just pinged on a list of "abusive language."

Another theory that a different fan brought up is that the ban could be issued because Dyrus was making fun of another Twitch streamer who was constantly self-promoting themselves in chat. Luckily, it was only a temporary ban of 24hrs, and he will be able to play the game again by the end of the day. There have been instances of weird New World bans in the past, which could be a part of the MMO's growing pains.

New World is available now on PC.

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Source: Dexerto