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New World is the kind of MMORPG that allows players to determine their class and role through their character build as opposed to choosing one as part of the initial onboarding process. That means that there are no classes in New World, so any character can be a magic user and wield a Fire Staff.

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The magic-user that specializes in the deadly art of fire manipulation as a damage-per-second (DPS) class is a common sight in other video games. New World has several unique features for the ideal Fire Staff build for those players that want to watch the world burn.

Attribute Points

New world Atributes updated

The fire staff is one of the few weapons that scale with one Attribute and one of a mere two that scale only with Intelligence. The only other Attribute to consider with an early fire staff build is Constitution, which determines a character's hit points.

RELATED: New World: All Core Attributes, Explained

Players that want to specialize in the fire staff can start their ideal build by putting as many Attribute points in Intelligence as possible, which also makes this an ideal weapon for leveling. ​​​​​​​It's easier to diversify weapon proficiencies at later levels when a player has more Attribute points to use.

Acquiring A Fire Staff


It's easy to acquire a fire staff for a character, even at the beginning levels.

  • Crafting. The Arcane Repository is for potions, tinctures, and magical weapons. Use wood, iron, leather, and fire motes to create a rudimentary fire staff of Common quality even at a low skill level.
  • Rewards. Chests that players receive for completing quests will carry a variety of random items, including weapons, and often rewards include a fire staff.
  • Drops. Aeternum is a dangerous place, and hostile creatures that the player meets in the wild can drop valuable items including weapons. Caches and chests found in these dangerous locations can also yield a fire staff.

Fire Staff Mastery Trees

Fire Staff Mastery Tree

The titles for each branch of the Fire Staff Mastery Tree are self-explanatory to some, but for those unfamiliar with the ways of fantasy RPG games, one is more focused on controlled attacks and crowd control while the other is more about area-of-effect damage, which is another way of raining fire on everything on the battlefield. The best build uses points from both sides of the tree, but the final decision belongs to the player.

RELATED: New World: How to Forge Your Azoth Staff

  • Fire Mage. Fireball is the first and most obvious choice for targeted damage, and other important AoE skills include Pillar of Fire and Runes of Helios. Other useful skills that should be prioritized include Spell Focus, which restores Mana, Spell Slinger to improve spell critical strike rating, and Clear Mind to increase overall damage.
  • Pyromancer. Flamethrower is just what it's called, and it takes some getting used to when it comes to targeting and spell length, but its power can't be denied. With other AoE spells like Burn Out and Incinerate, be prepared to do a lot of damage to several enemies at once but without the CC. Make sure to put a few points in Pyromania early on to improve damage output.

Sockets And Gems

feature image new world mining guide gold ore alchemy stone starmetal ore lodestone platinum ore and orichalcum ore

Many of the higher-quality and advanced-level weapons in New World have gem sockets to improve the item's damage-dealing abilities or give them an extra quality that benefits that player. Look for these gems when working towards the perfect fire staff build.

  • Cut Pristine Diamond. Absorbs elemental damage and gives the character a +15 buff to damage dealt.
  • Cut Pristine Topaz. Adds lightning damage to a fire staff, giving the player an advantage of wielding two elements.
  • Cut Pristine Onyx. Improves damage absorption and improves damage against targets at full health.
  • Cut Pristine Malachite. Elemental and physical damage absorption, and a damage buff against enemies under a CC effect.
  • Cut Pristine Diamond. A damage buff when fighting enemies at full health and improved physical and elemental damage absorption.

Other Weapon Combinations

New World Fire Staff Musket Ice Gauntlet

Characters can equip two weapons at once in New World, and it's not possible to equip two fire staffs at once. The final touch to the ideal fire staff build would include weapons that also scale primarily with Intelligence.

  • Ice Gauntlet. This is the only other weapon that scales entirely with Intelligence, and this would be an ideal combination for a pure magic-using build.
  • Musket. Also, a ranged weapon that scales with Intelligence, but Dexterity is important for the musket as well.
  • Void Gauntlet. Scales with Intelligence and Focus, so players can also off-spec for healing if they decide on this weapon combination.
  • Rapier. Those looking for a weapon that does physical and melee damage could use a rapier, which scales with Intelligence and Dexterity.

New World is available on PC.

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