New World is taking the world by storm and is giving players a new platform for exploring different environments and gameplay customization options. For this reason, New World has already topped the Steam charts and continues to gain a massive amount of popularity.

One of the most critical aspects of the game is adequate party composition in New World, with gamers needing to fill out roles such as Tank and Healer. In addition, one important role, DPS, is vital for dealing massive damage to enemies so the party can progress through the dungeon quickly.

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However, with all the different customization options in the game, this might not be as straightforward as gamers might think. So for New World fans looking for tips on building a really good DPS build, here is how to do it.

two people fighting in new world


Using the proper armor set in New World for any of these builds is vital for maximizing efficiency. By using light armor, gamers will have an extra damage percentage increase with any weapon of choice.

Additionally, equip weapons with either Malachite, Opal, or Diamond for extra damage buffs. Also, equip Malachite into armor sockets so players will be perceived as less of a threat towards enemies.

Great Axe and Warhammer

For this build, prioritize only maxing out the Strength attribute as much as possible. Then equip both the Greataxe and Warhammer weapons in New World. While unconventional, this combo has a massive damage output and interesting combos players can pull off.

With abilities, make sure to get the Charge, Execute, and Whirlwind attacks for the Greataxe. For the War Hammer, prioritize maxing out the Armor Breaker, Might Gavel, and Wrecking Ball abilities.

Spear and Musket

This ranged build will be more than ideal for fans who prefer to attack enemies from a safe distance. With both the Spear and Musket, gamers will need to prioritize leveling up the Dexterity attribute while sprinkling in some Strength and Intelligence as they see fit.

For abilities, get the Power Shot, Powder Burn, and Shooting Stance Abilities. When enemies get close, hit them with the spear. Focus on the impaler skill tree and get the Skewer, Perforate, and Vault Kick attacks.

Rapier and Bow

Another build that's good for both ranged and close combat is using both the Rapier and Bow. Gamers should again prioritize leveling their Dexterity attribute, with Constitution as a close second to have a more significant health pool.

For the Rapier, follow the Blook Skill tree and grab any of the abilities to deal massive damages while also making enemies take extra damage over time. For the Bow, follow the Skirmisher Skill tree to hit enemies with more consistent damage outputs.

New World is available now on PC.

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