Since the launch of Apex Legends, developer Respawn Entertainment has added two new characters: Octane and Wattson. While many are clamoring to see the developer put out more than 1 new character per season, that seems to be the current schedule, with all signs pointing toward Crypto joining Apex as the season 3 character. Crypto is far from the only character currently planned for the game, however, and a new leak has identified Jericho and his abilities.

Data miner The Gaming Merchant found files in Apex Legends associated with Jericho, dubbed "The Frontline," and his abilities. He appears to be a military-type of character who may rival, or surpass, Gibraltar in size. Yet, despite these files being found on the character, there is no definitive release window for him. Rumors suggest that Season 4, after Season 3's Crypto, would be for a character named Rosie, so unless Apex quickens the release of characters, there's a good chance it'll be a while before anyone sees Jericho.

According to The Gaming Merchant, Jericho's three abilities are Ballistic Shield Protection, Ballistic Shield, and Shield-Breaker Javelins. Ballistic Shield Protection seems guaranteed to be his passive in Apex Legends, as the "Ballistic Shield protects your back when you are not actively using it." In other words, it sounds like a good way to prevent being jumped from behind, as well as useful when a tactical retreat is necessary.

RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About Wattson in Apex Legends

The other two abilities, Ballistic Shield and Shield Breaker Javelins, are slightly harder to determine, but The Gaming Merchant thinks that the Ballistic shield is the tactical, as it summons a full-body riot shield to protect the player from incoming fire. The issue here is this could potentially push Gibraltar even further down in meta rankings for Apex Legends, as this would likely outperform his gun shield.

Shield Breaker Javelins sees the player throw two electrically charged javelins that burn through enemy body shields. Exact details are left up in the air and pose a number of questions, such as how much damage and how often it could be used. This doesn't sound as threatening as some ultimates in Apex Legends, but since nothing is confirmed, it's best just to wait for Respawn to formally introduce Jericho and the other leaked characters sometime down the road.

Apex Legends is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: 10 Tips to Get Ahead in Apex Legends' Solo Mode