In Naruto, several tumultuous events permeated the show: the controversial Uchiha massacre, Kurama's havoc on Konoha and many others. However, all these events are woven into one grand finale, the fourth great ninja war. Several characters, each with selfish ambitions and motives, contributed to the war's movement during this great war.

Uchiha Madara, a shinobi, devised a grand plan to solve the shinobi's world war crisis, although he is also a pawn in a much grander scheme. His great plan is to perform an Infinite Tsukuyomi, a genjutsu that places shinobis in a dreamlike state where their deepest desires are realized.


Naruto: Madara Uchiha's Fall As The Perfect Villain

Uchiha Madara's Shinobi Way

Madara Uchiha's Fall

Right from time, the seed of hatred has always festered in the Senju and the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Madara met Senju Hashirama during the peak of the shinobi war, and both became good friends without knowing their family names. However, when both discovered their true identities, they ended their friendship, for there could be no love between an Uchiha and a Senju. Over the years, the two fought with all their might, but Madara could never defeat Hashirama. Even with Madara's Mangekyo Sharingan, he could never defeat Hashirama, and despite their two-decade battle, Hashirama desired peaceful coexistence between the two clans.

The Uchiha, Senjus, and other clans came together and built Konoha village for peace. The peace offering was put on hold when Tobirama Senju killed Uchiha Izuna. But after so many combats between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, they finally agreed to peace. The peace is short-lived as Madara wanted total control of Konoha to be in the hands of the Uchiha while Hashirama wanted cooperation from affiliated clans. The final straw broke when the village chose Hashirama to become the hokage (leader) of Konoha village.

Madara saw this as a hiatus to push the Uchiha out of power and feared the other clans' domination over the Uchihas. At this moment, Madara realizes that peace is a fairytale in the world of shinobi, and as long as one party becomes dissatisfied, conflict is inevitable. Madara abandons the village and attacks the village many times and, at a point, resolves to the use of the nine-tail fox. Ultimately, Madara met his end at Hashirama's hand and was consequently known as one of the most powerful men in the shinobi world. On the other hand, Uchiha Madara did not die at the hands of Hashirama; instead, he revived himself with the Izanagi and waited to confer his plan into the hands of a pawn before his life ended. Madara believed that a peaceful shinobi world was a sham and that once power was concentrated in the hands of a few, peace would never be achieved. As a result, he desires to hide till his plan has ripened enough for fruition.

The World Madara Desire

Hashirama and Madara

During the third shinobi war, Uchiha Obito falls into the hand of Madara after suffering a grave injury. He was healed with the Hashirama cell, and during their meeting, Madara worked towards swaying Obito to his side. One of the cunning methods Madara employs to entice Obito into his grand scheme is to have Obito's friend and love interest, Rin, die at the hands of Hatake Kakashi. Broken by his friend's death, Obito offered to carry on Madara's legacy to cleanse the shinobi world of the plague of war.

Regardless of how absurd and twisted Madara's belief in the Infinite Tsukuyomi is, all he ever wanted was a peaceful place for his clan to prosper. Madara and his eternal rival, Hashirama, both desired peace but went about it differently. Naruto's shinobi world is complex and bloody, and it has always been a never-ending war until the end of the Naruto series. Characters such as Nagato, Konan, Yahiko, and Itachi, among others, represent the darkness that pervades the shinobi world. These are characters who became pariahs in the war among the bigger dogs. Nagato, Konan and Rin lost their homeland to the big players of the shinobi world during the war. It shaped Nagato to become the pain of the world and Konan, who would forever believe in his plan, especially after the death of Yahiko. Itachi became a pawn in a scheme to bring short-lived peace to his village.


Naruto: The Infinite Tsukuyomi, Explained

No matter how many speeches or sexy jutsu Naruto cast, the war in the shinobi world will never end. Peace is a sham and a mockery to characters who have long suffered due to the shinobi world's constant hostility and conflict. The essence of the Infinite Tsukuyomi is to draw people into the world they most desire. Every wish comes true in this world, and there is no war or bloodshed in the Infinite Tsukuyomi, only absolute peace. However, all peace has a cost, as the shinobi world believes Madara's plan is selfish and that world peace is neither real nor achievable.

Creating a farcical world where dreams are lies is nothing more than an avenue for tyranny. A world where people are prevented from living freely and carrying out their desires is no place to be. War will always be a part of human nature, and no man can stop the grimness and bloodshed that comes with it. And the fact that the Infinite Tsukuyomi is a plan devised by Zetsu to resurrect Kaguya, thus concocting the Infinite Tsukuyomi on the Uchiha's tablet as a channel to world peace, makes the notion of peace that comes with the Tsukuyomi questionable.


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