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Large Elder Dragon Gems are one of the most challenging rewards to obtain in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Players would typically think they can get one by defeating any of the currently available Elder Dragons, which unfortunately is not the case. However, there are a couple of easy ways to earn these specific Gems. This guide will help Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak players acquire the exclusive Large Elder Dragon Gems.

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How To Obtain A Large Elder Dragon Gem

monster hunter rise sunbreak title update 2 anomaly elder dragons

As mentioned before, not every Elder Dragon in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak rewards Large Elder Dragon Gems. While it's never been specified, one could guess it might be due to the low number of Elder Dragons currently in the game. Nonetheless, there are two main ways of obtaining these gems.

The first and foremost option is to defeat the Elder Dragons that do reward them. Those include Chameleos, Teostra, Kushala Daora, and now Risen Chameleos, which was added very recently in Title Update 2. However, they must fight and defeat them at the Master-Rank, as the Large Elder Dragon Gem is a 9-Star Rarity reward.

Since Elder Dragons cannot be captured, players must choose which of them to defeat. While it is up to the player's preference of which one they fight, the recommendation would be to fight a normal Chameleos, as it's typically easier to deal with than the others mentioned above.

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For top-end hunters, if they level up their Master-Rank to level 110, they will be able to take on a Risen Chameleos. However, they shouldn't make the mistake of underestimating this new variant, as it's been argued to be one of the most challenging monsters in the game fight currently. But as a reward for defeating the beast for the first time, players are guaranteed one Large Elder Dragon Gem. However, this does not apply in future attempts after the first.

The other method of obtaining a Large Elder Dragon Gem is much more drawn out than the previous method. For players participating in Anomaly quests and investigations, as a reward, they will earn Investigation coins. Players can speak with Bahari at the Elgado outpost and purchase one Large Elder Dragon Gem for 300 Investigation coins. However, obtaining that many can take quite some time for most hunters, who are better off fighting one of the Elder Dragons mentioned above.

Otherwise, players can simply take their time in choosing which of the monsters to fight and eventually obtain a Large Elder Dragon Gem.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is now available for the Nintendo Switch and PC.

More: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - Where to Find Centuria Ore