This article is part of a directory: Monster Hunter Rise: Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks, and General Help (Updated for Sunbreak)
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There are still hundreds of secrets for hunters to discover in Monster Hunter Rise. With several different maps to explore, there are a lot of unanswered questions a week after the game's release. Because the game has only been in stores for a few days, players will need some help tracking down items on each of the maps.

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Many of the rare items are found in bonepiles, which are scattered throughout the game. This guide will walk players though how to find the bonepiles containing Eroded Husk, one of the items used for crafting in Rise.

Unlock The Expeditions Quests

Monster Hunter Rise Quest Selection Menu

Before hunters will be able to find Eroded Husk, they will need to progress through the questline to unlock high level quests in the quest hub. The first series of quests are expeditions on each of the maps in Rise. 

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Once these quests are active, hunters can travel to each location and loot bonepiles for valuable resources, including relics, husks, and skeletons. Gamers that have looted bonepiles and are not able to find the rare item have not activated the expeditions quests in the quest hub. Because the Husk is a rare drop, players will likely need to find a fair few of them to craft and upgrade their items. The below list will provide at least a handful for hunters in the early game.

Where To Find Eroded Husk

monster hunter sandy plains

Hunters will find the relevant bonepiles in the Sandy Plains. After activating the "A Tour Of The Plains" quest, gamers should head to the Sandy Plains where there are multiple bonepiles that have a chance to contain the Eroded Husk. At least one of the piles will have an Eroded Husk in them. Each location can be re-looted after a short period. There may be a few additional locations, but these are all of the bonepiles discovered thus far. Hunters should be able to find all of the Husks they need by revisiting each of these locations.

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Location 1

The first location is north of the number 8 that marks the 8th zone on the map. The pile is on the cliffside where an area of the structure protrudes out, creating a platform. Players will be able to jump up it while mounted.

Location 2

The second bonepile location is just to the southwest of zone 1 on the map. Hunters should follow the cliffside from the spawn point and ride north. The bonepile will be down the cliffside as soon as players ride through the small pathway in the rock structure.

Location 3

A third bonepile is right in the middle of the 1 and 2 in zone 12. Players will not be able to miss it if they try. It is all the way down the cliffs on the lowest level of the map.

Location 4

Hunters will find another bonepile on the right side of the 9 on the map. Gamers should look near the edge of the desert on the downslope.

NEXT: Monster Hunter Rise: How to Get Mountshrooms