This article is part of a directory: Monster Hunter Rise: Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks, and General Help (Updated for Sunbreak)
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The Monster Hunter series is known by fans for its expansive atmosphere and giant monsters to take down, with Monster Hunter Rise being one of the newest installments in the franchise. Just recently, Monster Hunter Rise was released on PC and offers players a new variety of graphic and control options for the game.

However, one thing that will always remain consistent is hunting monsters for their marrow and other valuable resources. This is how gamers get cool weapons, armor, and armor sets based on all the different monsters in the game.

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Rath Marrow, one of the harder resources to find in the game, can only be found off hunting the Rathalos. The Rathalos is a powerful fire-breathing wyvern with poisonous claws that can viciously attack fans from the sky. Luckily, there are a few different ways that hunters can harvest this power for themselves, so for Monster Hunter Rise fans looking to create some cool armor, here are some ways to get Rath Marrow.


Rath Marrow Drop Rates

When hunting the Rathian Monster or the Rathalos in Monster Hunter Rise, the only places it spawns in the game are the Lava Caverns, Sandy Plains, and the Shrine Ruins. Once the monster is found in the biome, they should prioritize attacking its back and breaking it. This has the highest chance to drop Rath Marrow with a 20% success rate.

If that doesn't work, players can try capturing the monsters, which yield a 12% drop rate of marrow for the Rathian and 7% for the Rathalos. Or if gamers are feeling more bloodthirsty, they can kill the monster and carve its tail, which has a 12% drop rate for the marrow.

Rathalos Farming Tips

Instead of just going out in the wild and hunting the Rathalos down, players can try to find hub or village quests in Monster Hunter Rise where the goal is to kill or capture the Rathalos. Having it set as a mission objective instantly increases the chance of finding rare resources from the monster.

If players are also struggling during the fight against the Rathalos, the best elemental type to use against it is Dragon Weapons. Gamers should prioritize aiming for the head, back, and wing areas during the fight. And if players don't have Dragon Weapons, Thunder is the next best element since Rathalos can easily be paralyzed by Thunder blight and not move for a while.

Monster Hunter Rise is available now on PC and Switch.

MORE: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Should Add These Features

Source: Monster Hunter Rise Wiki