Soul Hackers 2 is a turn based role playing game (otherwise known is an RPG) that is made in the same vein as Persona 4 and Persona 5. The player takes control of the character Ringo, who is an agent of Aion, in an attempt to save the world from Demon Summoners, who want to bring Demons to the world and wreak havoc.

There are many players who may be able to instantly pick up the game and get used to it, but there are other players who struggle at first. There are some mistakes that many players will be able to fall into, and are easy to avoid.

7 Not Planning Things Out

Soul Hackers 2 - Ringo

Soul Hackers 2 is not a game that a player can simply breeze through. It takes a bit of planning to make the most of the game, especially considering what kinds of teams a player will find themselves trying to build while.

RELATED: How Soul Hackers 2 Connects to Persona, Shin Megami Tensei

It would be in a player's best interest to take a moment to plan ahead. Read up on what each Demon does, and do not just throw the first few units that a player gets into a team and call it a day. There has to be some form of synergy within a team, such as having one Demon setting up for damage. Planning things out will make the game more satisfying in the long run.

6 Forgetting to Speak to Every Demon

Soul Hackers 2 - Rushing

There are multiple Demons that a player will be able to meet and gather as they go through Soul Hackers 2. Each character on the player's team can each equip a Demon, but players can often forget to speak to these Demons that they meat within a dungeon.

As a player goes through a dungeon, there's a pretty good chance that any demon they have equipped will show up in the dungeon. A player should talk to as many demons as they can. Speaking to demons will fill up the player's HP and MP, and can even give the player a chance of getting new demons.

5 Going Out with No Items

Soul Hackers 2 - Person Yelling

There are a bunch of items that a player can take with them whenever they are ready to fight. In all honesty, it would be near impossible for a player to complete a run of a dungeon if they do not have any items, especially in the early game.

Before a player's party gains strength, they will be beaten down by enemies again and again. Players will want to make sure they stock up on healing items before they go into a dungeon, especially if they are newer at this game. Healing items can be purchased from shops, or received as rewards for completing requests. Keep an eye out for them lying around in dungeons as well.

4 Forgetting To Go To the Soul Matrix


The Soul Matrix is one of the player's best resources to use to improve their team far beyond what normal grinding and farming can do for a player. The Soul Matrix provides a unique path for each new unit that a player recruits.

RELATED: Soul Hackers 2: Guide To Affinities And Mistiques

By completing each character's path of the Soul Matrix, a player will be able to unlock new skills for each character they take on. Of course, it is not required to do these Soul Matrix paths, but it is highly recommended.

3 Not Saving Very Often

Soul Hackers 2 - Fighting

Soul Hackers 2 does not automatically save as much as it should. The game autosaves just enough to lead players into a false sense of security. Luckily, a player can always manually save.

Players should manually save whenever possible, as the game does not limit how or where players can save. A player does not want to find themselves dying and resetting 2+ hours of progress.

2 Not Fixing the Camera Angle

Soul Hackers 2 - Dashing

The default camera position for battles and dungeons is a bit off, to say the least. The way the camera is tilted prevents players from seeing what exactly they are doing; this is especially bad in dungeons.

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Seeing as the camera is too low in its default position, it would be better for a player to adjust the camera angle to whatever makes them more comfortable and gives them a good look at where they are going. It will save lots of time and headaches.

1 Attacking From Up Front

Soul Hackers 2 - Walking

Surprisingly, a player can choose where they want to attack when it comes to battles. They can strike from up front or behind while roaming through dungeons. However, it is usually much better idea to attack from behind.

If a player catches an enemy off guard, they can strike them and knock them down, which can give them a huge upper hand. After that, it's quite easy for a player to go in for the kill, taking relatively little damage the whole way through.

Soul Hacker 2 is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Microsoft Windows.

MORE: Soul Hackers 2: How to Summon and Fuse Demons