In Minecraft, players can build anything they want if they have enough time. This includes farms overflowing with pigs, sheep, and even Minecraft horses that players can breed. While the breeding of animals can help players to get needed materials and food, there is another type of creature that players can breed in Minecraft: villagers.

Villagers in Minecraft

While it's pretty easy to see why Minecraft players might want some extra sheep or cows around, it may not be as obvious why they might wish to have more villagers. But players that are building a villager trading hall may want more people to fill it. Also, villagers will farm food that players can then take without having to worry about farming themselves. And Minecraft players can build Iron Golems to help protect them as well, keeping their food production safe from raiders.

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So can villagers be bred in Minecraft? Surprisingly, the answer is mostly yes.

Minecraft two villagers

Getting Villagers in the Mood

Unlike the many wild and farm animals that can be bred just by feeding them like the new Minecraft panda bears, villagers cannot be forced into mating. Players can instead build up the right set of circumstances, giving villagers the best chance of bringing more villager babies into the world. Villagers will want two things to start thinking of making themselves a family: space and food.

First, players should build their Minecraft villagers a living space that's big enough for their new edition. Then, add three beds to the home, giving the potentially growing family a place to put the new edition. Then, players just need to provide their loving couple enough food to know that they can support a child, and the couple will most likely have a kid.

A couple's willingness to breed can be raised by trading with them, providing more food, and putting as many extra beds in the village as possible. Since their population depends on the ratio of villagers to beds, they will be more likely to have children if that ratio is less than 1-to-1. Also keep in mind that villagers with access to food will begin to throw food at other villagers, also enticing them to extend the family line. So planting food nearby the village and handing out food will also get those villagers' numbers up.

If nothing else, this weird breeding program should give Minecraft players something to do if they are bored.

Minecraft is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Minecraft: How to Make a Potion of Water Breathing

Source: MinecraftGamepedia