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There are tons of collectibles scattered across Metroid Dread’s map, which improve Samus’s abilities in different ways. While it is certainly possible for players to complete the game without obtaining absolutely all of these collectibles, there are some rewards associated with doing so. Additionally, there are further rewards to be earned for finishing Metroid Dread on its different difficulty levels and in set amounts of time, and here are details on how that all breaks down.

Metroid Dread: 100% Completion Rewards

To start, it is important to clarify that this game’s completion rewards take the form of artworks that can be viewed through the gallery. To access this gallery, Metroid Dread players should simply select their save files, click on extras, and then click on gallery. From there, fans can use R and L to tab between the Chozo Archives and Ending Rewards, where all of the artworks are collected.

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With that established, the first eight artworks in Metroid Dread’s Chozo Archives are unlocked by collecting all of the items in each of the game’s eight areas. This means that every Energy Tank, Missile Tank, and beyond must be picked up, and each of the unlockable artworks is associated with one particular area. And if a player gets all of these collectibles on every map, and thus hits 100% completion, they will unlock the ninth and final Chozo Archive.

With respect to the Ending Reward artworks, there are seven of them in total. The first three of these artworks come from completing the game on Normal Mode, on Normal Mode in under eight hours, and on Normal Mode in under four hours, while the next three come from doing the same things on Metroid Dread’s Hard Mode. If all six of these requirements are fulfilled, the seventh Ending Reward will appear in the gallery, and fans will have now unlocked everything that the game has to offer.

While some players may be slightly disappointed that there are no in-game rewards provided for reaching 100% completion, the artworks are quite nice. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to use these artworks as a background on a player’s Switch, as that would be an excellent place to display them. Since that is not an option, some fans may decide that it is simply not worth the effort to track down all of the collectibles in Metroid Dread, and they can instead get a look at all of the artwork in the video that is featured above.

Metroid Dread is available now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Metroid Dread: Complete Guide & Walkthrough