Finding a lovely lady to share this life with is integral to what it means to succeed in Medieval Dynasty. If the wife chosen is not happy, then it's all over from there. She'll leave and she'll take the heir to the throne with her. Starting over leads to an undesirable cycle of going through wives like an actual feudal lord.

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So how does somebody romance the proper way in Medieval Dynasty? While there are many ways things can go wrong, there are also many ways that things can go right. If players know how the game treats affection, the main character's wife will be all too happy to stay.

Looks And Personality

Medieval Dynasty Looking At A Potential Wife By The Fire

It's easy to say that looks and personality aren't relevant. But this is an RPG. Player taste is critical to the game's enjoyment. Therefore, while not mechanically different, choosing the right look and personality in a spouse can make or break the game experience.

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There are four personality types and each one has a full list of what conversations make them happy. Maybe choose the personality that seems the most agreeable. The heir will get half of the genetics from their mother, so looks may be important for players who have an idea in mind for their next character.

Romance Tips

Medieval Dynasty Recruit By A Campfire

First thing first, jump in a lake and don't do any running or manual labor until after speaking to the eligible ladies. This makes the player "clean" and it has a weighted value on how likely any proposals will be. Use the chart linked in the last section to get their affection up to the maximum.

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After that, propose and have her move to the village. While in the village, manage the mood of the villagers as well as the wife. She needs to have a home (shared with the player), food, water, and firewood. Unlike the others, she also requires companionship and conversation every so often.

Luxury Gifts

Medieval Dynasty Buying A Silk Shawl As A Gift

Going back home every day isn't always an option. Don't worry, the wife, once happy, isn't going to split because of a day or two of absence. But her mood will plummet. To get back in her good graces, buy a luxury gift from a vendor.

All gifts at these luxury good vendors besides the rag doll and toy sword should be given to the wife upon the next visit for an extra bump in affection. She will leave if she gets too low, so be sure to deliver the goods before it's too late.

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