There's no doubt that BioWare's Mass Effect series is beloved by fans, and the chance to play through all the games again with the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition was an exciting opportunity. Players could relive all the highs and lows, the loyalty missions, awkward dances, and Reaper attacks of the first three Mass Effect games in anticipation of Mass Effect 4's release, whenever that might be.

In both the Mass Effect trilogy and Mass Effect: Andromeda, gamers are called upon to make choices. Sometimes these aren't too consequential, but they can have far-reaching consequences that affect following games and shape the fates of different characters. Within the franchise's binary Renegade vs. Paragon morality system, it can be very easy to see what the 'right' answer is, but occasionally, the correct path isn't so clear. For any players wanting the best possible playthrough in preparation for Mass Effect 4, there are a few key decisions they need to look out for.

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Mass Effect

Virmire in Mass Effect

There are some choices that may affect the plot in major ways but are more down to player preference than anything else. The decision whether to save Ashley or Kaidan on Virmire will permanently kill one character, but as the choice is unavoidable, it's canon that one of them has to die. However, players should do all they can to make sure Wrex survives his time on this planet, either by having a high enough Charm or Intimidate skill or by completing Wrex's side quest.

Other missions may not feel quite as significant as the explosive ones on Virmire but can have more lasting consequences. Players should save the colony on Feros and spare Shiala in order to gain an extra quest in Mass Effect 2 and more support against the Reapers in Mass Effect 3. Benevolence is definitely a running theme throughout a 'perfect' playthrough, as saving both the Rachni Queen and the Council during the attack on the Citadel are the better choices. This will help to get humanity in the galaxy's good books, and the Destiny Ascension will also make a massive contribution to the resistance against the Reapers.

Mass Effect 2

Thane Mass Effect 2 Loyalty

A big focus throughout Mass Effect 2 is getting the best squad possible before the Suicide Mission, and this means recruiting everyone and completing their loyalty missions. During the Zaeed: The Price of Revenge mission, players should choose the dialogue option "You brought this on yourself" when Zaeed is trapped under the debris. This recruits him to Shepard's squad, but also makes him loyal and means he will survive the Citadel: Volus Ambassador Mission in Mass Effect 3.

The Normandy upgrades are also vital for a perfect playthrough and mean more people will survive the Suicide Mission. Completing loyalty missions like Miranda's will not only make the squad tougher in the final assault but will also mean Miranda can survive Priority: Horizon in Mass Effect 3. Loyalty missions are packed full of choices, like Mordin's Loyalty Mission Old Blood, which makes players decide if they want to keep Maelon's data or not. It may seem morally dubious to not destroy it, but keeping it means Eve will survive at the end of Priority: Tuchanka in Mass Effect 3.

Tali's loyalty mission is also crucial and can affect the next game as well. If Shepard convinces the Admiralty Board to clear Tali of treason without having to present evidence against her father, Tali will remain loyal, and there will also be a better chance that the pivotal geth versus quarian conflict will have a peaceful resolution. Most importantly though, players need to execute the Suicide Mission perfectly. This means having all the ship upgrades, choosing the right companions for the right tasks, and entering the Omega-4 Relay as soon as the crew is taken to make sure they all survive.

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Mass Effect 3

EDI Mass effect

The main crux of Mass Effect 3 is gathering enough assets and allies to finally take on the Reapers. There are a number of elements to this, like choosing Paragon options when first encountering Ashley or Kaidan on Mars (which will help with Priority: The Citadel 2), completing missions and helping people, and recruiting War Assets. This will make sure players have more options at the end of Mass Effect 3, and could mean that both Earth and the mass relay network survive. Gamers should complete as many missions as they can, like saving Jack and her students at Grissom Academy. Players should also use Charm or Intimidate options in their conversations with the Illusive Man as well, or else risk putting Admiral Anderson in danger later on.

Curing the Genophage is paramount to getting the support of the krogans, and while it doesn't end well for Mordin, he will have redeemed himself by bringing an end to the inhumane practice. Some other companions are also at risk, like Miranda if players don't warn her about Kai Leng or grant her access to Alliance resources. Players will also need to prevent Samara from killing herself after her daughter is rescued, and complete the Geth Fighter Squadrons Mission to unlock a peaceful solution at the end of Priority: Rannoch. Brokering peace is then possible between the geth and quarians, which lets Shepard use them both as War Assets.

The end of Mass Effect 3 presents players with a crucial choice, with the options depending on their Effective Military Strength. The Destroy ending may cause catastrophic damage to Earth if the EMS level isn't high enough, but it's considered the canon choice and is the only one that Shepard has a chance of potentially living through.

Mass Effect: Andromeda


Mass Effect: Andromeda is a bit of an anomaly, not least because it takes place in a completely different galaxy. Its setting and the new cast of characters make it feel very separate from the previous games, but it's also not yet known if it will have an impact on Mass Effect 4. Regardless, players should spare the Exaltation Facility, which will mean they get help from the Angaran Resistance later on. They should also choose Paragon options where possible, like saving Kalinda in Peebee's loyalty mission.

Choosing Avitus as the Turian Pathfinder also helps Captain Dunn's odds of survival, but a lot of the decisions throughout the game, like what type of outpost to build, or which warring factions to side with on different planets, don't seem to have that many lasting or significant consequences.

Mass Effect 4 is in development.

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