Miranda returns as part of a main questline during Mass Effect 3, provided she survived the events of the second game. Players must import a Mass Effect: Legendary Edition save file where they romanced Miranda to continue a relationship with her.

It's also possible for Miranda to die during a key story event, so it's important to make a lot of correct decisions in order to keep her alive and continue a relationship with her to the end of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

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How to Romance Miranda in Mass Effect 3

Male Shepard speaking with Miranda on the Citadel in Mass Effect 3

Once the priority mission "Palaven" has ended, complete one more mission to receive a message from Miranda on Shepard's private terminal. Head to Docking Bay D24 on the Citadel and pick "Nothing's changed" to ensure a romance continues with Miranda.

After the "The Citadel II" mission where Shepard either killed or saved the Virmire survivor in Mass Effect 3, go to the War Room on the Normandy and speak with Anderson to receive Kai Leng's dossier. Players must read the dossier from their private terminal to help Miranda survive the upcoming events. Shepard will then warn her of Kai Leng while speaking with her on the vid comm at the Spectre Terminal on The Citadel.

After talking to Miranda and receiving another message from her after completing "Perseus Veil", go to the private room in the Apartments area of the Presidium Commons on the Citadel to speak with her again. Pick "I trust you" to give Miranda access to Alliance resources and ensure she is saved in Mass Effect 3. After, choose "Stop talking and kiss me" to get a short romantic scene between the pair and lock in their relationship.

Renegade Male Shepard and Miranda on the Citadel in Mass Effect 3

Kai Leng hurts Miranda during the "Horizon" mission, and she can die if the exact steps are not followed. Players have already checked one box by continuing a romance with Miranda from Mass Effect 2, so to guarantee Miranda survives her injures, Shepard must also:

  • Warn her about Kai Leng (or gain her loyalty in Mass Effect 2).
  • Giver her access to Alliance resources when she requests them.
  • Choose the "I can be reasonable" or "I will hunt you down" response to Miranda's father when he grabs Oriana (or press the Renegade prompt).

How to Get Romance Scene With Miranda

Renegade Male Shepard with Miranda during Citadel DLC for Mass Effect 3

Miranda and Shepard don't get a romance scene like other relationship options in the final game of the trilogy. However, Miranda will be present as a hologram before the final push on Earth to have one last conversation with Shepard before the end of the game. If players start the Citadel DLC in Mass Effect 3 after locking in a relationship with Miranda, the pair will also get some extra scenes as a couple. This bonus content is included with the Legendary: Edition.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Complete Guide - Tips, Tricks, Discussions, & News