Marvel's Spider-Man, developed by Insomniac Games, follows the story of a young Peter Parker amid a sinister plot. Mister Negative has revealed himself and, in doing so, has put the lives of Peter's friends and family in terrible danger.

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Marvel's Spider-Man sees Mister Negative teaming up with several enemies from Spider-Man's past, making Peter the only being capable of capturing them and restoring order. Once harmony has been returned, certain privileges will be granted while exploring the city, with changing the time of day being one of the most well hidden.

How to Change the Time of Day in Marvel's Spider-Man

Unlocking The Research Stations

A Research station in Marvel's Spider-Man

After completing "Harry's Passion Project," the player will gain access to the numerous Research Stations scattered throughout New York. The missions available from these unlikely facilities require Peter to travel to nearby areas and solve an array of different problems. These stations were developed by Harry's mother, further driving Peter to fulfill Harry's requests to honor her.

"Harry's Passion Project" is the thirteenth main mission in Marvel's Spider-Man, so the player will eventually complete it while advancing the plot.

The option to change the time of day awaits within these Research Stations, but actually altering the state of the sky requires a different obstacle to be hurdled.

Completing The Main Story

spider-man swinging in sky

The time of day will regularly transition throughout the story, but the ability to decide what the weather will change to is only unlocked after beating the game. This requires Peter to embrace the full extent of his powers to defeat the iconic villains who run rampant around New York.

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Marvel's Spider-Man requires roughly 17 hours to beat if the player focuses primarily on the story, but completionists may find their playtime approximating a total of 34 hours of gameplay. Once the credits have rolled on either of these playthroughs, the option to manipulate the time of day will finally become available.

Changing The Time Of Day

The Time of Day Screen in Marvel's Spider-Man

Returning to a Research Station after the events of the main story will now house a new secret. Upon entering the facility, there will be a small touchscreen device located to the right on the edge of a table. It will document the current time of day when accessed while also revealing a list of different times for the player to choose from.


Selecting "Day" will begin a loading screen where New York is slowly engulfed by sunlight.


The "Sunset" option sees the sky adopt a dark blue hue, signifying the end of a once bright day.


"Night" showcases the moon rising over a darkened New York with only artificial city lights left to shine the way.

The only way to change the time of day in the base game was to access a Research Station, but an update in 2020 finally allowed the player to do so from the Options menu.

Expanding the "Game" screen and selecting "Time of Day" allows Peter to alter the time of day without needing a Research Station, a much-needed addition that allows for more fluid adventures.

Marvel’s Spider-Man is available on PS4 and PS5, with a PC version releasing on August 12.

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