Marvel’s Midnight Suns fans can now get their hands on the recent Deadpool DLC. Deadpool is an incredibly exciting character for multiple reasons, and as another new interpretation of the character, it is always interesting to imagine how they will interact with others. Marvel’s Midnight Suns is a particularly special Marvel game because it blends genres that Marvel is rarely a part of: tactical, turn-based gameplay and social simulation in an RPG. In this regard, fans were not wrong to assume that Deadpool would be more lively around the Abbey.

Deadpool is a wildly bombastic and irreverent character who is known for breaking boundary rules and fourth-walls. It was presumed that Deadpool’s tactical card abilities would represent that more, and that his goal in the Abbey would be to annoy each and every playable Marvel’s Midnight Suns character. However, Deadpool is no different from any other character once he is recruited into the Abbey, and fans may be largely disappointed that Deadpool shares no substantial moments with characters like Wolverine or Spider-Man whom he normally spends time irritating in the comics.

RELATED: Marvel’s Midnight Suns Deadpool Gameplay Breakdown

Deadpool Doesn’t Interact with Many Characters in Midnight Suns


Deadpool’s Marvel’s Midnight Suns social media marketing takeover seemed to suggest that Deadpool would be much more rambunctious than he turned out to be. In the Deadpool DLC’s story missions, Deadpool claims to have no desire to be friends with anyone at the Abbey, let alone be in their personal bubbles at all times or appear in the middle of random conversations to make himself the center of attention.

Therefore, the only time players will really get to hear about Deadpool is if they interact with him directly, whether that is through compliments or through hangouts. It was never confirmed that Deadpool would be a brazen nuisance around the Abbey, but because he is known to behave that way it makes his presence seem underwhelming when there was so much potential for him to be an exciting figure who spices up the Abbey’s moments of leisure. Outside the Abbey grounds, Deadpool’s DLC missions are where the character is genuinely depicted in this way, but even in scripted cutscenes, players do not get to see the interactions that they were perhaps wanting to see most of all.

Players Miss Getting to see Deadpool and Wolverine Interact in Midnight Suns


It makes sense that Deadpool is paired with Marvel’s Midnight Suns’ Hunter. The two characters develop a bond if players hang out with Deadpool and devote time to increasing his friendship level, which in turn upgrades his passive ability. Unfortunately, there are no story-related missions where Deadpool and Wolverine get their own cutscenes to converse with one another.

However, Firaxis oddly chose to pair Deadpool with Blade instead of Wolverine when that opportunity was on the table. Blade is supposedly going to be a narrative focal point for Marvel’s Midnight Suns’ four DLCs if vampyres are its throughline—especially with Morbius arriving after Venom. However, this was a rare chance for Wolverine and Deadpool to have some alone time together in Marvel’s Midnight Suns.

It is a shame that they share no witty banter like Blade and Deadpool get to, though it is possible that a future DLC chapter could feature this interaction. Regardless, not having a conversation with Wolverine in Deadpool’s own DLC missions seems like a misfire considering the fact that Deadpool is not an exceptionally lively or unique character in the Abbey, and the closest fans can get to this interaction is taking both Deadpool and Wolverine into a mission together.

Marvel’s Midnight Suns is available now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, with PS4, Switch, and Xbox One versions coming later.

MORE: Marvel’s Midnight Suns Creative Director Reveals Which Club Deadpool Would Have Joined