Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy combines a decision-based narrative with a third-person shooter, and also contains a lot of collectibles and Easter Eggs to discover. Finding a Guardian Collectible will unlock a conversation with a team member that delves into a particular moment in their past.

Locating all of these personal items for one team member in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy will also unlock the "Managerial Skills" Trophy/Achievement, and finding half of all Guardian Collectibles will earn players “Thoughtful Captain.”

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There are 3 collectibles to locate for every team member. Keep in mind that if replaying chapters in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, players must finish each one again in order to add the items to their collection across all playthroughs. This ensures they count toward the 2 Trophies/Achievements.

Where to Find All Rocket Guardian Collectibles in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

Spinal Control Unit - Chapter 1

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy spinal control unit chapter 1 collectible

Players can find Rocket's first Guardian Collectible after locating the Workbench to unlock Perks in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Peter will soon fall down and get separated from Rocket and Groot again.

Defeat the enemies, and then climb up the black mining blocks to the top, but instead of following the path, turn around and shoot the brittle resin in the corner, by the door. It will reveal the Spinal Control Unit Rocket Guardian Collectible.

Deep Mine Device - Chapter 8

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy deep mine device chapter 8

After the cutscene in which the team talks about what they saw in their Promise in Chapter 8, Rocket will open the door forward. Follow this path straight up, and then stop when the Workbench is located.

Turn right and jump on top of the large, black cylindrical object. Climb up the platform above this and turn right to find the Deep Mine Device Rocket Guardian Collectible on the ground by some yellow containers.

Glarnot Mask - Chapter 12

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy glarnot mask chapter 12 knowhere

After using Star-Lord's Elemental Gun on the wind setting and Gamora's ability to climb a blocked structure and let the rest of the team past, go forward until a row of vending machines can be spotted to the left.

Slide down the broken path to the left of these machines and jump up to the platforms behind Star-Lord, then seal the gas holes with the ice setting on his gun. Jump to the platform once the gas has dispersed to pick up the Glarnot Mask Guardian Collectible for Rocket.

As well as helping with Trophies/Achievements, finding all of one character's personal collectibles will change the ending of Marvel's Guardians of Galaxy by adding to the epilogue for that team member.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Where to Find All Drax Guardian Collectibles (Managerial Skills Trophy/Achievement)