Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy combines a decision-based narrative with third-person shooting, but also contains a lot of collectibles and Easter Eggs to discover. Finding a Guardian Collectible will unlock a conversation with a team member that delves into a particular moment in their past.

Locating all of these personal items for one team member in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy will also unlock the "Managerial Skills" Trophy/Achievement, and finding half of all Guardian Collectibles will earn players “Thoughtful Captain.”

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There are 3 collectibles to locate for every team member. Keep in mind that if replaying chapters in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, players must finish each one again in order to add the items to their collection across all playthroughs. This ensures they count toward the 2 Trophies/Achievements.

Where to Find All Drax Guardian Collectibles in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

1. Drax's Rap Sheet - Chapter 7

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy drax's wrap sheet chapter 7

Peter will need to have Nikki's Passkey in order to gain access to this Drax Guardian Collectible in Chapter 7 while on a mission for Cosmo in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. This can be obtained during Chapter 2 if players choose to take Nikki's side and cover for her.

After restoring gravity to the ship, go through the exit door and keep heading up until Peter has to duck under some cylindrical blue objects. Turn right and use Nikki's Passkey to unlock the door. Shoot the grey brittle resin to the right of the Workbench used to add Perks in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, and shimmy through the opening.

Walk forward until Peter reaches the end of the raised walkway, then turn around to shoot the grey resin above him. Jump up on the platform that was created by doing this, and then jump again to the next platform. Go to the top right-hand corner of this area (before the dead body), and Drax's Rap Sheet Guardian Collectible can be found on top of one of the yellow crates.

2. Mourning Candle - Chapter 10

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy mourning candle chapter 10

After the fight with the first fog-creature that is imitating the creature "Stumpy" from Chapter 3, go forward to the next area, but don't follow the team all the way to the end. Instead, turn left at the end and shimmy through a crack in the wall.

Follow this path to the left and climb up the multiple platforms to the top, then pivot to the right. The Mourning Candle Guardian Collectible is near the edge of this cliff, on top of the grey-green surface.

3. Xatar’s Blade - Chapter 13

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy xatar's blade chapter 13

In Chapter 13 after defeating the group of small black-colored, tentacled villains in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy on a cliff, use Groot's ability to make a bridge across. Then use Gamora's ability on the cliff found immediately to the right.

Jump up and walk to the edge to pick up Xatar's Blade, the last Guardian Collectible for Drax. Finding all of one character's personal collectibles will also change the ending of Marvel's Guardians of Galaxy by adding to the epilogue for that team member.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Where to Find Drax Batista Costume