Every once in a while, a mobile game hits the market at just the right time, and its success comes from the perfect blend of quality and good luck. That's been exactly the case with Marvel Snap, a recently released mobile card game that's taken the mobile market by storm. With incredibly intuitive gameplay mechanics, a masterful tutorial, and enough complexity hidden beneath its surface to keep fans invested for the long haul, Marvel Snap is the latest mobile phenomenon. But while Marvel Snap may be easy to learn, it can be very difficult to master, and players may need all the help they can get to pick out the best deck possible.

Marvel Snap has no shortage of deck combinations. With over 200 cards in the game, and more being added with every update, Marvel Snap can have an overwhelming amount of choice, and it can be hard for even the most seasoned Marvel Snap player to choose the right combination of cards for the job. Thankfully, the Marvel Snap community has banded together to make some deck presets that are sure to turn the tide of a match, and Marvel Snap's movement decks are some of the best around.

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What Are Marvel Snap's Movement Decks?

marvel snap collectors reserves

The general gameplay loop of Marvel Snap sees players use cards to gain control of three locations on the board. The player with the most power at two of the locations wins the match. Each card has its own unique cost and power level. The vast majority of cards also have their own unique ability, which can drastically change their power level, the location it's placed on, or the power level of the surrounding cards. For example, Mr. Fantastic's ability grants +2 power to any adjacent location.

Some of the more complex cards in Marvel Snap have an ability that changes the card's power level when it moves, and these are at the heart of a movement deck. A movement deck will often consist of a few cards that increase their power levels when moved, and a few cards that induce those movements. While Marvel Snap's movement decks are some of the most complex in the entire game, they can also be some of the most powerful and rewarding.

The Best Marvel Snap Movement Decks

marvel snap card library

Starting out in Marvel Snap, players only have access to the starter deck of cards. As players continue to upgrade their cards, their collection level grows, in turn rewarding them with brand-new cards. As players reach new milestones on their collection level, they'll be allowed to move on to the next card pool, where more powerful cards await them.

The best movement deck using Marvel Snap's first card pool puts Multiple Man front and center. Multiple Man's ability sees him make a copy of his card at his previous location when he's moved. The trick to using Multiple Man is to increase his power level before the player moves him to a new location, as his replica card will retain the same power level. This can be done pretty easily with the Ironheart card, which gives three other cards +2 power. The Hulkbuster card would also do the job, attaching itself to another card to give it +4 power. Once the Multiple Man card has a decent power level, players can then play Doctor Strange to move that card to another location, or Iron Fist, to knock the next card one location to the left. For a final blowout move, players can use Heimdall to move all cards one location to the left. By the end of a match, players should have several Multiple Man cards on the board, each with a high amount of power.

A good movement deck for Marvel Snap's pool two cards sees Spider-Man villains Vulture and Kraven join the team alongside Multiple Man. This new card pool also unlocks Cloak, who allows cards to be moved to his location for the turn after he's first put down. For card pool three, players will want to swap out Multiple Man for The Human Torch, whose power is doubled when he moves. With the Hulkbuster on, The Human Torch can rack up a high power level quite quickly.

Marvel Snap is available now on PC and mobile devices.

MORE: Some Marvel Snap Cards Iterate on Others, But That’s for the Best