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In Marvel Snap, players will earn new cards, boosters, and Credits by increasing their Collection Level. For every two levels gained, players will earn one of the three rewards mentioned. This is the only way that players can unlock new cards besides going through the battle pass. This guide will go over how to increase the collection level fast in Marvel Snap, how to upgrade cards, and more.

What's the Collection Level in Marvel Snap?

Marvel Snap players can check out their current Collection Level by going to the main tab on the home screen and clicking on the shiny green number under the avatar profile picture. By upgrading cards, players will earn at least two points towards increasing the Collection Level, earning them Credits, Boosters, and Mystery Cards. As for the mystery cards, all players will get the same cards for the first few levels, but eventually, it'll be randomized.

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How to Increase Collection Level Fast

As mentioned before, increasing the collection level can only be done by upgrading players' Marvel-themed cards. Check out the collection by tapping the Collection tab to the left of the Main section. The cards that can be upgraded will have shiny green arrows pointing upwards on them. Press on the card, and then players will see a rectangle icon on the bottom right with a blinking red dot --press that button.

upgrading card marvel snap jessica jones

If Marvel Snap players have enough Credits and Boosters specific to that card, they can hit the upgrade button to enhance the visuals of the card. It's worth mentioning that upgrading cards is only for cosmetic purposes and will not actually affect the card's usefulness in a Marvel Snap match.

If players want to upgrade as many cards as possible to get the Collection Level increased, it might be best to use common cards in your deck and upgrade those first. Even if players lose a match, they'll still earn Boosters for a card in their deck. It takes a lot of time and currency to upgrade cards of higher rarity.

How Many Times Can A Card Be Upgraded?

Once a card is acquired, it'll start as a common base card. From there, Marvel Snap players can upgrade each card six more times. Here's a list of the card rarities and how much currency players will spend for the upgrades:

  • Uncommon - 1 Collection Level (25 Credits / 5 Boosters)
  • Rare - 2 Collection Levels (100 Credits / 10 Boosters)
  • Epic - 4 Collection Levels (200 Credits / 20 Boosters)
  • Legendary - 6 Collection Levels (300 Credits / 30 Boosters)
  • Ultra - 8 Collection Levels (400 Credits / 40 Boosters)
  • Infinity - 10 Collection Levels (500 Credits / 50 Boosters

Marvel Snap is available on Mobile and PC.