If you're looking for get into the Halloween spirit and enjoy a creepy story, Man Of Medan might be right up your alley. In this game your decisions carry the story, and some scenes and chapters aren't even available unless you make specific choices. Not to mention, it's your decision at crucial times that define which ending you'll eventually get.

It's possible to save all characters from being driven to their wits end on the Ourang Medan, but it's also possible to see them all perish within no time. If you're wondering what path you should take, we've prepared a handy list that points you to the ten most important choices you'll make during your playthrough.

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10 The Escape Boat

At the beginning of the story, you'll play as Conrad when Olson takes on charge of the Duke of Milan. The pirates have an escape boat handily available, docked just on the side of the Duke. Conrad will have the option to get into the boat, after which you'll have to pass a QTE test to survive. If you do, you won't get to play Conrad's perspective, as he'll return later in the game with the coast guard to attempt to rescue his friends. If you want to absolutely make sure everyone survives, it's best to keep him with his friends.

Alternatively, if you lose the distributor cap but Conrad escaped in the beginning of the story, he'll rescue his friends successfully. Having the distributor cap when Conrad escapes, however, will result in Conrad arriving to the Ourang Medan after his friends have already left - and experiencing some ghastly hallucinations he cannot understand, resulting in his untimely death.

9 Staying Hidden

When Olson and his two goons take control of the Duke of Milan, Brad will have hidden underneath one of the beds and initially gone unnoticed. He can be spotted by Conrad, who can then reassure Alex about the fate of his little brother. What's essential however, is to make sure that he stays hidden and doesn't get discovered while the other characters are being manhandled and threatened. If you manage to keep him hidden,

Brad will be able to board the Ourang Medan on his own after everyone else has gone inside and you'll have access to a few important objects.

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8 Proposal & Bends

Relationships and traits are a big part of the gameplay in Man Of Medan, as certain behavior affects how other characters will react and feel about you. One of the biggest romances in the game is the one between Julia and Alex, with Alex proposing to her early on in the game after a dive in the aircraft wreckage.

You should say yes as Julia, after which the two of you will notice a commotion going on on the Duke from underwater. If you agree to decompress with Alex, all things equal, Julia will survive and not suffer from the bends in a post-credit ending. If you hurry to the ship too fast, Julia will meet an untimely death after surviving the horrors of the Ourang Medan.

7 Gas Mask

If you managed to keep Brad hidden on the Duke during the capture scene by the pirates, you'll play his solo adventure in the chapter Finding Friends. There's a few unique collectibles you'll find during your run of this chapter, but the most important item you should get is the gas mask found in one of the lockers.

This gas mask is vital for him to take because it will allow him to recognize Fliss later on and not accidentally kill her. Make sure you grab it if you're looking for a happy ending.

6 Fresh Air

During Fliss' chapter Ritual, she'll find an elaborately decorated dining hall, with all signs pointing towards some sort of satanic ritual having been performed on board the Ourang Medan. At one part you'll be given the option to get some fresh air, which allow Fliss to clear her head from the toxic fumes of the Manchurian Gold and get rid of her hallucinations.

The fact that she's clear-headed also allows her to recognize Brad when they run into each other and not accidentally kill him in an encounter.

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5 The Rebreather

While you can certainly save all the playable main characters of the story, you can also save Junior, one of the Olson's pirate friends, which will give you the best, fullest ending for the game.

To do this, while playing as Alex and Julia, fetch the rebreather from the engine room. Olson will be right on your tail, so make sure you don't fail the QTEs that follow because if you do you will drop the item. If you succeed, you can use the rebreather to help Junior rid himself of the hallucinations he's suffering from and consequently save his life.

4 The Kitchen

You'll encounter plenty of terrors during your time on the Ourang Medan. From two-headed monsters to rats bursting out of your chest, it all feels awfully real. However, no matter what your first instinct is, don't succumb to fear. These apparitions are actually just that: hallucinations caused by the toxic fumes of the Manchurian Gold.

Whenever you're forced to pick between violence and staying still, try to fight your instincts and stay still. This is especially vital for Alex when he's in the kitchens and encounters the two-headed creature, as stabbing it could cost the life of a friend.

3 Glamour Girl

Similarly to the two-headed monster, the Glamour Girl that seems to haunt Conrad should not be harmed if you want the best ending. After evading the old version of the woman that chases you through the ship, Conrad is led to a high point outside the ship where he can choose to confront the creature or jump.

The best choice is to confront it, which will reveal it to actually have been Fliss all along, trying to calm us down. However, if you picked up the knife on the Duke, confronting the creature will result in Fliss getting killed. Choose wisely!

RELATED: Man Of Medan: Every Ending In The Game (& How To Get Them)

2 The Wedding Ring

One of the features of the best ending is what happens to Julia's engagement ring. One of Olson's goons will have it. After Julia and either Alex or Brad witness Olson killing one of his friends, you need to pass a QTE check and slip inside the room where his dead corpse is.

Inspect the body, and after a few seconds Olson will return and bang on the door. You're given the option to either run or inspect the body once more. If you choose the latter, you'll find Julia's ring in Danny's palm and get the perfect ending for the couple.

1 The Distributor Cap

Gas masks, rebreathers and wedding rings aside, the distributor cap is the single most important item you'll need to recover in Man Of Medan. Without it, it will be impossible for you to escape on the Duke of Milan, however, if Conrad escaped successfully, in the beginning, he will rescue you with the coast guard instead.

If Conrad stayed with his friends, you need to make sure that you guard this item with your life once you get it off Olson's rat-infested body. Pass the QTEs and make sure you don't drop it in the elevator shaft where it will be destroyed. If all goes well, everyone will be alive and ready to leave on the Duke by the end of the night.

NEXT: The 5 Best Things About Man Of Medan (& The 5 Worst)