Magic Legends may have been hit with some production delays thanks to the global pandemic, but the ARPG based on the iconic collectible card game is still on the way. With the closed alpha play test already underway, players are slowly learning more and more about the game throughout the summer. PAX East offered a much closer look at the game's first two revealed classes and now the white-mana inspired class is ready to make its debut: The Sanctifier.

The first three classes revealed focused on red, blue, and green mana; but the Sanctifier puts devotion and lifelink in the spotlight and offers a healing class that can do some powerful ranged damage for players who want to keep their distance and soak up life throughout each level. The Sanctifier class is going to be one of the five launch classes that players are able to select as their free starting class when the Magic Legends eventually launches.

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Magic Legends Sanctifier Class Attacks

Much like the Geomancer, Beastcaller, and the Mind Mage, the Sanctifier Class has some very unique upgradable primary attacks to set it apart from the other options. These primary attacks can be upgraded as players progress to help make the Sanctifier grow from a humble planeswalker into a powerful ranged damage dealer who is able to absorb tons of health through Lifelink while filling up their mana bar and building towards a Spark Power that allows them to summon a horde of Angels onto the battlefield to turn the tide during a difficult point in the battle.

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During a recent interview with Magic Legends Executive Producer Stephen Ricossa Game Rant had the chance to learn a lot new information about the Sanctifier, how the class will play, and how it will bring the essence of white mana Magic to the game...

"The Sanctifier class is our white class... The primary attack for the Sanctifier is the Piercing Bolt. When it's upgraded, it becomes a triple shot. The next one (attack) is called the Wave of Radiance. It will do damage to anything it hits and when upgraded, it will heal any friendly that it runs into. Players can set up great lines that hit their allies and enemies and the ability will go 'heal, heal, damage, heal' depending on who it is running into."

The Piercing Bolt primary attack is going to be the bread and butter of the Sanctifier class. this is a ranged attack that is able to hit muliple enemies. Players who select the Santifier class will also gain access to Wave of Radiance. This is a ranged attack that swings in an arc and slowly travels across the map towards enemies, damaging anything it hits. Once upgraded, its wave of magic will also heal any allies and personal pets that are in its path.

"Devotion allows players to kneel down and become immune to damage for a few seconds while they heal allies and ressurect the strongest ally that died in the last 10 seconds. When it's leveled up, players will get little holy balls that spin around them and when they reach three and cast it again a 4/4 angel will spawn and fight with you."

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When things get dire, the Sanctifier also has the option to use Devotion. This power allows players to kneel down and become immune to damage for a few seconds. During that time, the Santicifer is able to heal all allies and resurrect the strongest ally who has died in the last 10 seconds. As if that wasn't powerful enough, the upgraded version also spawns a 4/4 Angel who can fight alongside the Sancitifier when they're ready to get back into the fray.

"You have a meter that you get to fill up. You can save it up to kick off an ultimate or a spark power. The spark power for the Sanctifer is a Wave of Radiance that you can cast nonstop instead of on a cooldown. While doing that, you start summoning ranged and melee Angels that fill up the battlefield for roughly 15 to 20 seconds."

The Spark Power that we mentioned earlier is also a powerhouse. When this ultimate is triggered, the Sanctifier's primary attack is temporarily replaced with a no cooldown version of Wave of Radiance. In addition to the temporarily overpowered attack/heal with no cooldown, the Spark Power also summons a massive force of melee and ranged Angels to join the battlefield and fight during the duration of the Spark period. These powers have looked incredibly cool and flavorful for each of the classes that have been revealed and we're already taking bets on whether the Black-mana Class is going to be raising an army of zombies after their meter is full.

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In addition to the core abilities, players will also be able to upgrade and customize their Sanctifier in similar ways that players have seen for the other classes. There will be Perks unlocked through the late teens and 20s that enhance the power of Lifelink and help healing stack and spill out to allies. There will also be the slottable Trait system that players can use to further upgrade and customize the Sancitifer to their own playstyle.

That's a lot of information about the new class to digest, but standby for a lot more in the coming days. We learned a lot of other interesting facts about the Sanctifier and Magic Legends in general during our interview with Stephen Ricossa, so be sure to check back to read more over the rest of the week.

There is only one remaining launch class left to reveal, so hopefully the team at Cryptic is ready to offer a look at what the Black-mana planeswalker class has to offer in the very near future. Until then, be sure to check back for more Magic Legends news, updates, and features.

Magic Legends plans to release in 2021 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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