The following contains spoilers for Episode 8 of Lycoris Recoil, "Another Day, Another Dollar" now streaming on Crunchyroll.

Another day, another dollar, and another episode of Lycoris Recoil. Well, maybe not quite a dollar. As it turns out, LycoReco is losing money. Chisato is also being targeted by Yoshimatsu for a still unrevealed reason, although the end of the episode has a few hints as to what it could be. We also learn more about Majima's role in the Radio Tower incident.

Lycoris Recoil tells the story of a legendary Lycoris named Chisato, and her on-probation trainee Inoue. Chisato's laziness and morals question everything Inoue has learned when growing up in the Lycoris program, leaving her to question everything she knows. Meanwhile, warring organizations fight against each other with Chisato in the crossfire at all times, and Chisato's mysterious forgotten past comes into question more and more as the viewers learn more about the infamous Radio Tower incident.

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Inoue The Penny Pincher

chisato looking nervous, lycoris recoil

The episode opens in Yoshimatsu's office. He is speaking to Himegama, his assistant from the previous episodes, reminding her to be careful around Chisato. Himegama responds with "It depends on the situation", and while she's explaining herself Yoshimatsu interjects saying he believes she can handle her. Just as Yoshimatsu begins to comment on his concerns over continuing to let her "play pretend", the scene changes to Chisato serving orders at LycoReco.

All the employees of LycoReco realize after Inoue does the math, Chisato's dent in the café. Between her freely giving out food as well as her exorbitant Lycoris expenses, LycoReco is losing money. Inoue decides she will be in charge of LycoReco's expenses from then on. After the theme song plays, we turn to the show with Chisato and Inoue on a mission, where Inoue is chastising Chisato about how much cleaning up after the damage will cost, and mentioning that Chisato is going through too many of her specialty bullets.

Back at LycoReco sometime later, Inoue is chiding Mizuki on leaving the fridge open, stating that it's a waste of electricity. She continues correcting other employees at LycoReco regarding their habits that could be costing the company money and obsessing over every potential cost. Later, at a meeting gone wrong Chisato and Inoue have to threaten a group into paying them for disarming a bomb that the group was trying to get out of paying.

It seems like Inoue's methods are working. Inoue comes up with a new menu item, which begins to sell rapidly. In fact, it's going viral on social media. This drives more and more customers to LycoReco; in fact, it was enough customers to get Kurumi to finally help at the cafe. During the rush, Chisato gets a call saying she's missed her physical exam for the DA again, and she says she will get to it some other time. It is revealed at the office where the physical exam would take place that Himegama is pretending to be a nurse, presumably for Yoshimatsu's plan.

Inoue's Success And Chisato In Danger

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Chisato and Inoue are now running various Lycoris errands around town. After collecting money from the small gigs, they return to the café and discover that LycoReco is making significant profits again. To celebrate, they get an AI waiter to improve customer service. Inoue also decides to start investing in stocks with Kurumi. Once again, Chisato is called to come into her physical exam, but this time Inoue takes the phone from Chisato and answers for her, and forces Chisato to accept tomorrow's date for her physical exam to take place.

Inoue discovers that someone online said the new menu item she develops looks like poop, literally, but that it tastes great. Inoue is offended. When she expresses embarrassment, Mizuki explains that's what everyone always thought it looked like, and that's exactly why it went viral. Inoue answers the phone to escape the situation, and it turns out to be Chisato's doctor. She claims Chisato never arrived, but Inoue says she had left specifically to go to her exam.

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The scene changes, showing Chisato held hostage in her apartment with Majima, who is holding a gun up to Chisato's head. Chisato answers her phone, telling Inoue to pass it on to Chisato's doctor that she will be late. After this, Chisato hangs up and gets to talking with Majima. Majima asks if Chisato remembers him, and Chisato replies mentioning the events of a few episodes prior. Majima implies he met her long before that, and reminds her about the Radio Tower incident Chisato is infamous for.

We see scenes of young Majima, blindfolded but being able to tell where they are going to be attacked during the incident. All except for, of course, Chisato. She is too fast for his senses. She is cold, and during the Radio Tower incident, she is killing people left and right. Back then, she was using real bullets and taking lives, a sharp contrast to her bubbly and pacifist attitude in the present.

Back in the present, Majima reveals his Alan Institute necklace. Chisato questions why he's doing awful things if he's part of the same group, leaving Majima confused. Majima begins to explain that Alan Institute isn't the organization Chisato has worked up in her head. Majima leaves just as Inoue arrives, narrowly dodging her.

In The End

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Back at LycoReco, Chisato explains everything that happened while she was held captive by Majima. While the group questions her, Mika looks lost in thought. Before Chisato can press further, Inoue slams the table and requests that Chisato answers all of her phone calls within three rings so that if it goes longer than that, Inoue will know she's in danger. Later that night, Chisato is hanging outside of LycoReco, polishing one of her guns.

Inoue comes outside to sit with Chisato. After idle chit-chat, Chisato mentions that Yoshimatsu hasn't stopped by since that day. To cheer Chisato up, Inoue gives her one of the trick-or-treat bags that Chisato begged for earlier, when they were giving out candy to children. In the treat bag there is a dog charm, which Chisato puts onto her satchel immediately, all while Inoue mentions the reason she's been so hardworking is that she doesn't want the cafe to close down, mentioning how much Chisato loves it. After changing the subject the two girls playfully squabble with each other.

The next day, Chisato is at her physical exam. Himegama is the one giving her the shot. After Chisato explains that she's scared of shots, she begins to lose her vision. Chisato passes out, with Himegama successfully able to 'handle her carefully' as she was instructed to. At LycoReco they realize Chisato hasn't arrived for her shift just as Himegama is about to perform surgery on Chisato's unconscious body. Inoue tries to call, and since Chisato doesn't answer, she assumes that once again Chisato is in danger and prepares to find her. Just before the episode ends, we see Yoshimatsu saying "This is all your fault, Mika".

This episode by far is the best. It was the perfect blend of slice-of-life elements and action, even if the action was mainly in backstory until the end. The cliffhanger was well done too. Whether Inoue will get to Chisato in time, or not, is to be seen next week, in episode 9.

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