The Lord of the Rings trilogy, written by J.R.R. Tolkien and adapted to the big screen by Peter Jackson, is faced with one of the most controversial questions and highly debated movie topics of all time: “So, why didn’t they just fly to Mordor?”At first, this seems like the best option given the distance Frodo and his pals had to travel. But not only would the story have been a much shorter one, it would have ended much differently and in probably more tears. And there wouldn’t have been that epic, multi-ending finale seen in Return of the King that gave audiences the closure they needed after such a long journey. In The Fellowship of the Ring, it is decided that Frodo will be the one to carry the ring to Mordor. He is joined by Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Sam, Merry, Pippin, and Gandalf—a wizard who mentors Frodo and helps lead the group. While passing through the Mines of Moria, the fellowship faces off with a powerful, demon servant called a Balrog. After uttering one of the most epic lines of all time, Gandalf turns his back on the fallen Balrog who lashes out one final time with his whip and causes Gandalf to fall to his supposed death... but not before saying his final words: “Fly, you fools.” RELATED: The 'Lord Of The Rings' Movies Are Better Than The Books Because Of One Character
From that line, it is often inferred that it was Gandalf’s intention to have the group fly to Mordor the whole time, but to do so in absolute secrecy. This, however, would have been impossible as the eagles owe no allegiance to man and would have never agreed to do so. Even if the fellowship was able to fly to Mordor, they would have been spotted immediately, and the ring would have been taken by Sauron’s servants. It was much wiser to complete the mission as quietly as possible and to go unnoticed—not so hard for a creature as small as a hobbit, unless it's Frodo and the story calls for drama. The word “fly” can also be interpreted here as “flee,” meaning Gandalf wanted Frodo to leave the fellowship and move quickly, which he later does and is able to complete his unexpected journey. It's no coincidence that in The Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf looks directly at Frodo when delivering his line. There are many fans who think that because Gandalf wanted to get the ring to the other side of the Misty Mountains that he was planning to use the eagles all along. This is because that is where the eagles live. But as other fans with more knowledge of the Tolkien books pointed out, the eagles aren't actually eagles at all. They are Maiar spirits. The Maiar are spirits that have existed since the beginning of time. They do not have a fixed form and can change their shape if they choose. They are similar to Greek gods in the way that each Maiar controls an aspect of life such as the stars, the sea, empathy, or the wind. Gandalf, himself, is a Maiar; and for a very long time, he did not have a fixed form. The eagles chose to stay in the form of an animal, but are not any less powerful or intelligent than a wizard. As this Tolkien fan points out, neither Gandalf or the eagles are permitted to interfere directly with the fate of the several peoples of Middle-Earth. They can only give guidance and their wisdom. gandalf lotr character Gandalf does die when he fights the Balrog, but he gets sent back to Middle-Earth as Gandalf the White (a status with more authority and power) with permission from Manwë to help complete his mission of defeating Sauron. Manwë is the king of the Valar. He is very powerful, and his authority is the highest say of all the Valar. Gandalf the Grey is not allowed to do much other than provide council for Frodo and the Fellowship and even the playing fields. His initial purpose for being sent to Middle-Earth was the help defeat Smaug the dragon, since he could have been used to do Sauron's bidding. In the Lord of the Rings books, it is said that one of Gandalf's powers is the ability to read other's thoughts and even control them to some capacity. Gandalf knows that if Frodo stays with the Fellowship that the mission will fail. He can feel the way Boromir's thoughts are heading, and he wants Frodo to complete his mission alone—or at least with Sam since he's one of the only members of the Fellowship that Gandalf knows will not do Frodo any harm or try to take the ring. That is what he meant by "fly, you fools." So this effectively debunks the theory that Gandalf wanted to use the eagles to complete the mission. He knows that it is not their place nor within their authority to put themselves in the mix. It is only after Sauron is close to being defeated that the eagles are allowed to step in to help push the heroes into a victory. MORE: Everything You Need To Know About Amazon's Cancelled Lord Of The Rings Game