As players are exploring the ship in Live a Live's Distant Future chapter, they may come across a terminal in Kirk Wells's private residence. Upon interacting with this terminal, fans will receive indication that they must enter a password in order to proceed. For those players that may be struggling to uncover Kirk's password in Live a Live, this guide will share what it is and provide details on what players will receive for using it.

Live a Live: Kirk Password (Distant Future)

To access the terminal in Kirk's private residence players must simply enter "warp speed" when they are prompted for a password. While this password may not be immediately obvious, fans that have been diligent about interacting with the various characters and objects in Live a Live's Distant Future chapter will have seen this phrase several times. Indeed, "warp speed" is something that Kirk is known to say frequently, and it is thus sensible that it serves as his password.

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With respect to what happens when this password is input into the terminal, fans of classic JRPGs will receive a message indicating that something is hidden at the foot of Kirk's bed. This piece of furniture is located just next to the terminal, and players will receive a prompt that allows for interaction after positioning Cube at its bottom. Fans should take that opportunity to interact with the bed in order to claim the Memory Card key item.

live a live kirk password

With the Memory Card in hand, players can make their way to the Recreation Room and play some Captain Square on the arcade machine. Indeed, while it is certainly possible to complete that retro video game without the help of the key item, the Memory Card makes it possible to walk away from the arcade machine without losing progress. This means that players with the Memory Card do not need to beat Captain Square in one sitting and can instead split up their playthroughs.

That said, fans should make sure that they do not wait too long to get through Captain Square, as the game becomes inaccessible at a certain point during the chapter. While that point does not come until near the end of the scenario, Live a Live players will not receive any explicit indication that they are drawing near to it. Fortunately, it is possible to replay chapters, allowing fans to go back and work through Captain Square if they missed the chance their first time through.

Live a Live is available now on Switch.

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