Many anime fans struggle with knowing how to introduce their friends, peers, or even children to the wonderful world of anime. With so many of the options containing some measure of sexuality or extremely heavy themes, it can be intimidating to a newcomer. However, there are a few options, and Little Witch Academia is a phenomenal first choice for those wanting to share their passion. Though it does have certain characteristics that may limit its appeal, particularly among more mature audiences, it still holds its position as a solid first anime option. Even adults can find some measure of pleasure in watching a wholesome happy story.

Little Witch Academia follows the story of young Atsuko Kagari in her quest to become a great witch like her hero Shiny Chariot. In this endeavor she attends Luna Nova, a prestigious witch school that not only will allow her to become a witch but also was the same school that her idol attended. However, once she arrives and is granted the Shiny Rod she becomes embroiled in something larger than she ever expected that will make her question everything she thought she knew about herself.

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Little Witch Academia anime

Many animes contain sexually explicit themes that can make them difficult to view with family or friends without fear of judgment. Little Witch Academia does not. Despite the fact that it depicts almost exclusively young girls in school girl uniforms there is no sexualization of any of them. In fact, even the minimal romances hinted at are based upon compatibility and emotional connection more than physical attraction. In this regard, Little Witch Academia is uniquely easy to show to others.

Little Witch Academia has its highs and lows. The characters face trials and tribulations that drive them to emotional difficulty and occasional dark points. However, unlike shows like Sword Art Online, or Happy Sugar Life, the lows are relatively tame. It addresses the feelings that any young person might feel when their world views are challenged or when they are forced to face the truth that even their idols are human. This again makes it easy to show to children or to watch with friends.

Many fans of anime are finding themself in the challenging situation of trying to introduce children to the world of anime. Either their younger siblings or even their own children. This is exceptionally difficult in anime, but not with Little Witch Academia. The plot, storyline, and characters all seem uniquely designed to appeal to a younger audience. The simple art style is also somewhat reminiscent of American cartoons as much as traditional anime. This can make it a good place to let them dip their toes into the genre.


Several witches flying on brooms

The same aspects that make it palatable to others also make it potentially not appealing to some audiences. The relatively tame emotional range also lends the story a somewhat childish aspect that may not capture adults' attention.

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In addition, the storyline is fairly simple with a straightforward goal and easy development. More mature viewers may get bored when they are able to predict some of the major reveals early on in the series. However, there can be joy in watching how a story reaches the end even if the end is already known.


Witch with wand

While Little Witch Academia might not be perfectly appealing to adults due to its simplicity, there is still beauty in something simple done well. The characters in Little Witch Academia are real and relatable. Atsuko, despite being the chosen one, is described in the show as being selfish, impulsive, and reckless. These traits, while shared with many anime protagonists, are not usually addressed quite so head-on as in this show. She is shown throughout the show being forced to face those shortcomings, sometimes overcoming them, and sometimes being held back by them as well. The simplicity of a little girl in middle school becomes complex and worth watching when dealt with so well.

More than just Atsuko, the side characters are widely diverse, Constanze is mute and only signs, Sucy is borderline emo, Lotte is a bookworm who thrives by supporting others, Jasminka is a larger girl who loves her food, and Diana is a hereditary genius. Yet each of the girls learns to love, respect, and support the others with their own unique talents. None of the girls is shown to be inferior to the others. While some do excel in certain areas, none are able to truly shine without the help of the others. Even more mature anime don’t necessarily have the diversity that is shown in this show, notably not ethnic diversity but in other ways.

If an anime lover is looking for a phenomenal way to interest children in anime then Little Witch Academia is the best option. If they want a non-offensive way for an adult to ease into anime then this too is a good option. Regardless Little Witch Academia is a solid anime with great strengths and only one major weakness that makes it worth watching even if you are a veteran anime fan.

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