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One of the most memorable sections of the prequel to Life Is Strange, Life Is Strange: Before The Storm, has the beloved Chloe Price taking part in a Dungeons & Dragons-esque tabletop game alongside classmates Steph Gingrinch and Mikey North. Although this tabletop section of the game takes only twenty minutes to get through, it resonated greatly with many of those who played Life Is Strange: Before The Storm.

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That said, the tabletop game section is in no way a walk in the park to successfully complete. Even if players do succeed in taking down the mighty Duurgaron, Chloe's character (who can be named either Chloe, Barb, or Callamastia) will still die in the end regardless of whether the player was able to successfully defeat Duurgaron The Unscarred.

Step 1: Go To The Prison Camp

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When players get into the tabletop game in Life Is Strange: Before The Storm, they're presented with the choice to pick between going to three different areas: the prison camp, training grounds, and the warlord's tent. First, players are going to want to head to the prison camp, as going straight to the warlord's tent would send them into an immediate fight with Duurgaron The Unscarred.

While at the prison camp there will be a Dragonkin that yields the keys to the prison cells. He becomes frightened by the presence of Elamon and Chloe's character and locks himself in one of the empty cells. Ultimately, Chloe needs to do a backtalk challenge in order to get the keys from the Dragonkin.

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This backtalk challenge is relatively easy, as regardless of whether the player successfully completes it, they'll get the keys at the end. In order to successfully complete it, however, players must first choose the "meat puppet" dialogue option followed by either the "could make you taller or shorter" dialogue option.

Step Two: Go To The Training Ground

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After the prison camp section has been completed, players will want to head next to the training ground. Going here will trigger Mikey's character, Elamon, to release a massive acid-wave attack that takes out the majority of the enemies the two would've had to fight. However, it doesn't take out one heavily armored orc that the two now need to defeat before moving forward.

Players will want to first use a Pommel Strike, followed by a Knee Slam, and finish off the sergeant orc with a Fatal Cleave.

Step Three: The Warlord's Tent

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Finally, Chloe's character and Elamon will make their way to the warlord's tent to face off against Duurgaron The Unscarred. This section of the tabletop game is definitely the easiest to slip up during, so players need to take caution and, much like an actual Dungeons & Dragons game, think through their actions and their consequences.

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When facing off against Duurgaron, players will want to first attack the mighty Minotaur with Wrathful Rush, followed by Brutal Punch, and finishing with Annihilation Strike.

Step Four: Dance

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Regardless of players executing their attacks on Duurgaron in the correct order, disaster will strike as a series of bad dice rolls makes Chloe's character cut off the legs of Elamon. Duurgaron will attempt to finish off Mikey's character, but players can save him from an untimely death by choosing to dance to distract Duurgaron.

Strangely enough, dancing will distract the Minotaur for long enough that Elamon can wriggle away and keep the mighty final boss' focus on Chloe's character.

Final Step: Swing For The Arm

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Many of the previous choices and outcomes can be done slightly differently and still achieve a winning outcome. However, this final fifty-fifty choice will determine whether players win the tabletop game challenge.

On her dying breath, Chloe's character will be faced with a choice to either cut off Duurgaron's head or arm. Players will need to choose to swing for his arm and cut off his bracelet of fire immunity in order for Elamon to cast a spell that will ultimately defeat Duurgaron The Unscarred.

Life is Strange: Before The Storm is currently available on PC, macOS, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Stadia, Linux, and Mobile.

MORE: Life Is Strange: The Most Important Choices You’ll Have To Make In The Game