As if it needed to be said, two of the biggest pop culture brands in the marketplace right now are LEGO and Fortnite Battle Royale. While the former has been a successful toy company for decades and the latter is celebrating its 1st birthday with a special in-game event soon, it's safe to say that both products would complement the other quite well. With this being the case, one fan and creator decided to make a video of what it would look like should the two properties ever have a crossover.

As seen below in the footage for the YouTuber Bearly Regal's LEGO Fortnite Battle Royale mashup, folks can get a gander of LEGO characters leaping from the Battle Bus to a block-based recreation of Epic Games' multiplayer sandbox survival shooter's Tilted Towers location. Just like in the free-to-play title from Epic, the fan creation would have players gathering resources, building, and brawling until there's only one of them left standing

Interestingly enough, Bearly Regal was able to put together this wonderful LEGO Fortnite Battle Royale crossover by using Traveller's Tales and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment's 2017 sandbox construction title, LEGO Worlds. For those unaware, the game in question allows players to build practically anything that they can come up with using their imaginations, but of course, it can only be made using LEGO blocks.

Taking this all into consideration, Bearly Regal's LEGO Fortnite Battle Royale crossover is decidedly one of the top creations to come out of LEGO Worlds, as both properties manage to lend themselves so well to one another. Without a doubt, this fan project, along with the LEGO Dark Souls crossover that surfaced online about a couple of months ago, would please countless gamers should they ever get actual releases in any official capacity.

LEGO Worlds is available now for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Bearly Regal – YouTube