League of Legends Gameplay Designer RiotPhlox has revealed which champions will be targeted in the upcoming patch 11.22. This will most likely be the last regular patch before the long-awaited item changes.

Preseason is usually the time when League of Legends players face major changes to the game, at least compared to the usual biweekly updates. Last year's Preseason brought the controversial Item Overhaul and it seems as though Riot Games is not finished with its item adjustments.

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The following League of Legends champions will receive a buff in patch 11.22:

  • Renekton
  • Riven
  • Kayn
  • Kalist
  • Varus
  • Akali

Renekton has seen a significant win rate drop since the nerfs to his Cull the Meek (W) back in patch 11.18. Reducing the stun duration of one of his core abilities has made him one of the weakest top lane champions at the moment and he currently holds an atrocious 43.6% win rate. This change has stripped him from the ability to set up ganks and he struggles when facing tanky champions like Ornn, Mordekaiser or even the recently reworked Dr. Mundo.


The Kayn buffs will specifically target his Rhaast form, which has been hit with the recent changes to the item Goredrinker. The fact that both Rhaast and Goredrinker are getting buffed means that he could see some win rate spikes in the following weeks.

The list of champions that are getting nerfed is as follows:

  • Qiyana
  • Graves
  • Kha'Zix
  • Yuumi
  • Maokai

The nerf list will include three jungle champions, which means that there could be a shift in the meta when it comes to this role. Kha'Zix has one of the highest win rates at the moment with 52.82 percent. Both Qiyana and Graves have been highly contested picks in the ongoing League of Legends 2021 World Championship, sot these adjustments don't come as a shock. Both of these champions have a very high skill ceiling meaning that mastering them would definitely increase players' chances to climb ranks, especially with changes to League of Legends' ranking system.

Similar to Graves and Qiyana, Yuumi's popularity has skyrocketed over the last couple of weeks, all thanks to Worlds where she is either picked or banned. She currently holds the highest ban rate in the game with over 40%. She is definitely one of the most obnoxious League of Legends champions to play against. Once she gets a decent lead on the bot lane, the low counterplay she provides makes it almost impossible for the opposing team to come back into the game. Patch 11.22 is expected to hit the live servers on November 3.

League of Legends is available to play for free on PC.

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