League of Legends Gameplay Designer RiotPhlox has revealed which champions will be targeted in the upcoming patch 11.24. The new patch will feature another set of Preseason adjustments.

Preseason has brought many sizable changes to League of Legends, including two new dragons and numerous items. Last year's Preseason brought the controversial Item Overhaul and it seems as though Riot Games is not finished with its item adjustments.

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Unlike most regular patches, 11.24 will bring multiple system changes:

  • Archangel's Staff - Combine item cost will go down from 3000 to 2600 gold
  • Chemtech Mini Buff - Damage amplifier will go up from 5% to 6%
  • Hextech Mini Buff - Bonus Attack Speed will go up from 5% to 6%
  • Conqueror - rune duration will go up from 4 to 5 seconds; Adaptive damage per stack will go up from 2-4 to 2-4.5
  • Predator - Maximum movement speed will go down from 60% to 45%; ramp-up time will go up from 1 to 1.5 seconds
  • Chemtech Dragon Soul - Bleed Out Time will go down from 5 to 4 seconds
  • Crown Shattered Queen - Ability Power will go down from 70 to 60
  • Cosmic Drive - Ability Power will go down from 75 to 65
  • Frostfire Gauntlet - Damage scaling will get changed from 20-100 (+0.5% of max. HP) to 12-85 with not Health ratio
  • Axiom Arc - Ultimate ability refund will ge%t reduced from 25% to 20

Chemtech Dragon Soul is certainly one of the most obnoxious additions Riot has introduced in the last couple of seasons. This dragon soul has the potential to completely change the course of the game. Having a mini-Sion passive attached to each champion has a huge impact in team fights and most players would prefer this dragon soul over end-game buff objectives such as Baron or even Elder Dragon.

The following League of Legends champions will receive adjustments:

  • Ivern - Krug Freedom Experience will get increased from 37 to 95
  • Samira - R mana cost will go down from 100-0 scaling to 0 at all ranks
  • Caitlyn - New: Caitlyn's next auto attack gets a partial timer reset whenever she targets an enemy marked by traps or nets
  • Camille - E cooldown will go up from 16-10 to 16-12 seconds

Since the release of Arcane, Vi's popularity has gone through the roof. Her pick rate has spiked over the last two weeks, and she's currently at a staggering 15%. Vi's slowly climbing her way to becoming one of the most picked champions in League of Legends. However, such a drastic spike in popularity is usually followed up by a drop in win rate percentages, but Vi's win rate has actually increased to 53%.

Caitlyn has always been one of the most popular League of Legends champions and her visual update has been one of the main topics on Reddit over the last couple of days. A League of Legends employee by the name Riot Rovient has revealed that Caitlyn's visual update will target some of her micro-mechanics such as animation cancels which have had a bad impact on her overall power. This new mechanic will revert those changes to a certain degree and Caitlyn will most likely return to the ADC meta.

League of Legends is available on PC.

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