League of Legends is in a great spot to begin the climb through ranked, with new ranked splits and increased elo gains allowing players to spend less time playing for much greater rewards. Ranked can feel like a chore for people stuck in low elo, but playing the right champions can make the process much easier and more enjoyable.

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Some champions are simply better suited to climb out of low elo. Factors like being easy to play and farm with play a role in determining the best low elo LoL champions; however, picking candidates that opponents are less familiar with can also help a great deal, as players can catch unsuspecting enemies off guard with their abilities and damage output. Here are a few champions players can pick up with relative ease and master quickly, making storming through the League of Legends ranks little more than a formality.

7 Ekko

League of Legends True Damage Ekko

Ekko is a champion that can seem daunting to newer players, as he'll have to get up close and personal with enemies to kill them. However, with his shield and ultimate ability, Chronobreak, he has a surprising amount of survivability, and a get-out-of-jail-free card if players are in danger or mess up an engage.

With high base damage and impressive snowball potential, a few kills under his belt can turn Ekko into an unstoppable force, and allow players to solo carry their games on their journey up the ranks. He can be picked in the mid-lane and fits the jungle role with ease, and he can even work in the top-lane with a few adjustments to his build.

Once players have his combos down, Ekko is a flashy champion that doesn't require extraordinary mechanics and has great roam potential, all aspects perfect for low elo.

6 Master Yi

League of Legends Debonair Master Yi

Jungle has been in a very strong spot for a while in League of Legends, and despite some nerfs, it is by far the best role to carry games by getting teammates ahead and shutting down enemy carries. Master Yi has held a strong win rate in low elo for some time, and he becomes incredibly difficult to play against when he is ahead.

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Yi has a very simple set of mechanics players can master quickly, and a ton of tools to make him very hard to deal with. His untargetability with Q is one of the most frustrating abilities in the game, now allowing players to reposition easily; furthermore, his W damage reduction and movement speed make him very hard to predict.

If anyone is looking for a champion to solo carry games, Master Yi is the perfect pick. His simple mechanics allow players to focus on their macro decision-making, where he can easily split push for turrets or turn the tide of a teamfight.

5 Malphite

League of Legends Classic Malphite

While top-lane can feel like a difficult role to name an impact in, one way to do it effectively is by shutting down enemy carries and being the human (or rock) shield for the team. Malphite accomplishes this perfectly, with very high resistances, making him the perfect pick for players looking to play top-lane, particularly when it comes to physical damage threats.

His Ultimate is one of the most iconic abilities in League of Legends for good reason, as it's perfect for looking for picks and teamfight disruption. Any enemy ADC or backline mage will have a hard time getting their damage down with the constant threat of Malphite's knock up, which is where the champion's power lies.

He can also play laning phase very easily, with good poke, disengage, and the fact he is very difficult to kill. Any enemy who is a top-lane carry will have a hard time gaining a lead in the early game, allowing friendly damage dealers to get ahead.

4 Annie

League of Legends Annie Fright Night

Annie is one of the easiest champions to pick up in League of Legends, and she now has more power and even easier crowd control. Laning phase is a breeze, allowing players to farm or harass their enemy with ease and stay very safe at range.

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Once she hits the mid-game, Annie has a ton of area of effect crowd control for teamfights along with amazing burst damage to secure picks, making her a jack of all trades. Enemies will likely not expect her high damage output, and knowing when to hold her stun is the only mechanic players will need to master.

Annie also has great roam potential, allowing her to quickly move to side lanes to pick up kills and accelerate her and her teammates. Roaming will catch most low elo opponents off guard, and it will also set players up well once they get to the higher ranks.

3 Amumu

League of Legends Porcelain Amumu

Amumu is a jungler who often slips under the radar, and while he may not be the most flashy, he is one of the most effective teamfighters in the game. His massive AoE stun on his Ultimate, plus his double stun with Q, allows players to keep multiple targets locked up for some time, so the team can follow up.

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Amumu also curses enemies with his basic attacks and ultimate, meaning his teammates' magic damage will deal bonus true damage which can make a huge impact. He has relatively simple mechanics, and as long as players remember to weave in some auto-attacks, he can be mastered in no time. Amumu is also one of the strongest level 1 champions with his 2 charges of Q, allowing players to invade early with their team and disrupt the enemy jungler.

2 Nautilus

League of Legends Shan Hai Nautilus

Roaming in the landing phase as a support is one of the most important skills to pick up while climbing the League of Legends ranks, and few champions have an easier time of this than Nautilus. His hook is one of the most powerful basic abilities in the game, allowing players to secure easy picks on enemy laners as they are unlikely to suspect they're on their way.

Nautilus has a very good kill setup, as well as great survivability and disengage, which is invaluable if players find themselves in a tough situation and need to escape. Equally, he won't need to farm, allowing players to focus on their macro decision-making and making the most of his powerful kit.

Nautilus works best with champions who can follow him in, like Tristana or Samira, but he is also an excellent pick with almost any ADC who can get their damage down on whichever target he catches.

1 Tryndamere

League of Legends Classic Tryndamere

Carry top-laners can be a high-risk strategy in League of Legends, as the role, in general, has a much harder time making an impact than others. Tryndamere is a major exception to this rule though, as he can roam easily, or simply be a major threat while split from his team.

With one of the best split push strengths in the game, players can take turrets very quickly, and clear waves just as fast. What's more, if they find themselves in a tight spot, his ultimate allows him to take at least one enemy down with him, or simply escape to try again later, making him very frustrating to deal with.

Tryndamere has some trickier mechanics to master, but his ability to shred through tanks and squishes alike with damage many players won't see coming makes him the perfect pick to solo carry games.

League of Legends is available now on PC and Mac.

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