In League of Legends, each champion has one passive ability, three basic abilities, and an ultimate ability. While it is usually the combination of these spells or one really strong ultimate that gives a champion power, there are some basic abilities with the potential to single-handedly turn the game on its head.

Powerful abilities in League of Legends are one thing, but when a spell is also super fun to use and satisfying to pull off in the most clutch moments, it transcends to a whole other level. There is no better feeling than making the enemy surrender after one perfectly timed basic ability.

10 Zoe: W - Spell Thief

League of Legends Cyber Pop Zoe Splash Art

Zoe's W - Spell Thief does exactly what it says on the tin and is one of the most unique abilities in League of Legends. Whenever an enemy uses a Summoner Spell or Item Ability, they will drop a shard that Zoe can pick up and use for herself. Occasionally, minions will carry Spell Shards which will drop if Zoe or a nearby ally kills the minion. On top of this, whenever Zoe uses these spells or her own Summoner Spells, she gains a burst of speed and three bolts of damage.

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Spell Thief has a ridiculously short cooldown at just 0.25 seconds. Therefore, in a hectic fight where the enemy is using spells, left, right, and center, Zoe can keep stealing away these spells and use them for herself. The need to adapt to the wide variety of spells that can be dropped at any moment, and use them in conjunction with the rest of Zoe's kit, makes this a potent weapon, especially in the hands of an expert.

9 Sett: W - Haymaker

League of Legends Obsidian Dragon Sett Splash Art

True to his nature, Sett is one of the few champions in League of Legends who actually wants to take damage, all thanks to his W - Haymaker. Passively, Sett stores damage taken as Grit, which is displayed in his resource bar. When Sett has taken a few too many punches to the face, he can use this Grit to his advantage by gaining a shield and dealing damage in a cone.

The strength of his shield and damage both scale with the amount of Grit stored. Furthermore, any enemies hit in the center will take true damage. All this makes for a nasty surprise for any champion with Sett's name on their death list. One moment he looks like an easy kill; the next, he has an unkillable shield and has punched the enemy's front teeth out.

8 Akshan: E - Heroic Swing

League of Legends Crystal Role Akshan

One of the most fun abilities in League of Legends has to be Akshan's E - Heroic Swing. Latching onto a piece of terrain with his hook, Akshan can swing around in any direction, firing attacks at the closest enemy. Colliding with terrain or an enemy champion will put a stop to Akshan's fun. If not though, and if, for example, he's swinging around a tower, Akshan can swing for as long as he likes.

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Other than the ability to escape, gap close, and deal lots of damage, what makes Heroic Swing truly powerful is the fact that it resets with takedowns. Swing in, kill an enemy, and then get back in the air. Akshan can also use Heroic Swing to reposition for his other abilities, whether that be for a returning Q - Avengerang or to make sure his ultimate hits the desired target.

7 Nilah: W - Jubilant Veil

League of Legends Nilah Splash Art

As one of the newest champions added to League of Legends, Nilah also has one of the most powerful defensive abilities, her W - Jubilant Veil. For 2.25 seconds, Nilah gains movement speed and takes less magic damage. Most important of all though, she dodges all basic attacks.

The ability to avoid all auto attacks is huge, especially for a champion designed for the bot lane where marksmen are expected. What pushes this spell from being strong to overpowered, however, is that if Nilah touches her allies, they too will gain the effects for 1.5 seconds.

6 Thresh: W - Dark Passage

League of Legends Unbound Thresh

Thresh is one of the most iconic supports in League of Legends, and although all three of his basic abilities are extremely strong when used correctly, the versatility of his W - Dark Passage makes it the best. Thresh throws out his lantern which can be clicked by allies, causing them to dash to Thresh, gaining a shield.

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While the shield is nice and can certainly come in clutch, it is the ability to reposition an ally that makes Thresh's lantern so valuable. In the bot lane, Thresh will often be paired with a champion who has no dash, and so this spell can provide safety to an otherwise vulnerable carry. Thresh can also use his lantern aggressively by engaging with Q or Flash and pulling his teammate into the action, perhaps an unexpected jungler.

5 Talon: E - Assassin's Path

League of Legends Talon Splash Art

Talon's E - Assassin's Path deals no damage, provides no Crowd Control, nor buffs for his team, and yet is one of the best abilities. Like many other champions in League of Legends, Talon can jump over walls, but unlike others, he can do this every 2 seconds at no cost. This means he can jump over walls all across the map. The only drawback is that each section of terrain has its own long cooldown.

Other than offering players an Assassin's Creed-esque experience as they vault over the rift, this ability allows Talon to escape almost any situation and embark on crazy roams to surprise the enemy anywhere on the map.

4 Shaco: Q - Deceive

League of Legends Crime City Nightmare Shaco Splash Art

Shaco is one of the oldest champions in League of Legends, but that doesn't stop him from possessing one of the most annoying and powerful abilities. His Q - Deceive has three parts: invisibility, a blink, and a buff to his next attack.

The ability to reposition and become invisible at will makes him one of the most slippery enemies and is one of the reasons why most Shaco don't feel the need to take Flash. Deceive also helps Shaco set up ganks and generally confuse his opponents.

3 Fiora: W - Riposte

League of Legends PROJECT Fiora Splash Art

While there are many ways to block incoming damage and Crowd Control in League of Legends, Fiora's W - Riposte is unique in the fact that it also punishes the enemy for attempting to duel her. Towards the end of her 0.75 seconds of immunity, she strikes out with her sword, damaging and lowering the movement and attack speed of the first enemy hit.

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If, however, Fiora repels an immobilizing effect with Riposte, the enemy is stunned instead. This Uno Reverse Card can single-handedly win a fight, and is why Fiora is known as The Grand Duelist.

2 Rakan: W - Grand Entrance

League of Legends IG Rakan Splash Art

There are some ultimate abilities in League of Legends that, if landed on four or five champions, can instantly win the game. Rakan, however, has an ultimate-like ability on his W - Grand Entrance. Rakan dashes and knocks up any enemies caught in the circle, as well as damaging them.

Grand Entrance is strong at all stages of the game, from punishing enemies early, to finding the entire team with a late-game flank. Although this ability can work even better with his E and ultimate, Grand Entrance works perfectly fine on its own, especially from the fog of war.

1 Blitzcrank: Q - Rocket Grab

League of Legends Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank Splash Art

Blitzcrank's hook is infamous, this is an ability that has players dodging in real life. His Q - Rocket Grab is often a one-way trip to the respawn fountain, as when a champion is hit they are pulled all the way toward Blitzcrank.

If Blitzcrank is surrounded by friends, and his prey is squishy and immobile, there is little hope of escape. His hook has incredible range and is potent from minute one with Blitzcrank often leading invades into the enemy jungle. Its power never falls off, for a hooked carry in the late-game can end teamfights before they even begin.

League of Legends is available for Mac and PC.

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