Bel'Veth was introduced as a League of Legends Champion in 2022 and is extremely unique with diverse skills. She is mainly played in the Jungle, due to the bonuses she will receive from her Passive Ability, but she is also being played in the Mid and Top Lane occasionally. Although she may have a bit of a learning curve, especially for newer

players, she can be quite devastating and impactful in the right hands.

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However, even LoL players with great skills will struggle to perform well with Bel'Veth consistently if they don't know what items, runes, and Keystones to use when using her. This LoL guide covers the most mainstream builds for Bel'Veth.

However, there are alternative ways to play the Champion that are worth trying out. These are not the most common builds, but they are still effective. Therefore, let's talk about alternative build paths available for Bel'Veth.

Bel'Veth Alternative Build 1

League of Legends Logo
  • Berserker Greaves
  • Blade of The Ruined King
  • Iceborn Gauntlet
  • Titanic Hydra
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • Wit's End
  • Lethal Tempo Keystone
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Last Stand
  • Magical Footwear
  • Cosmic Insight
  • Offense
  • Offense
  • Flex

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This build offers a large amount of Attack Speed and damage, and a good amount of Attack Damage, Ability Haste, Life Steal, Critical Hit Chance, Armor, and Magic Resistance. The Attack Speed has great synergy with Bel'Veth's Passive, Q, E, and Ultimate Ability. Her Passive Ability removes the Attack Speed cap, allowing her to exceed the normal limitations on Attack Speed and disregards diminishing returns on the stat. Her Q Ability's cooldown becomes shorter the more Attack Speed she has, which this build provides a significant amount of it. Her E Ability's Damage increases based upon how much Attack Speed Bel'Veth has.

The On-Hit Damage works extremely well against Tanks, especially from Titanic Hydra providing a combination of True Damage, Max HP Percentage Damage, and Magic Damage. The Attack Damage increases the damage of Bel'Veth's Auto Attacks and Q Ability and is what gives her the damage to put behind all the extra Attack Speed she'll have. The Ability Haste shortens the cooldowns of all of her abilities, which not only increases her damage but also gives her more mobility from her Q ability and more survivability from her E ability.

The Life Steal goes well with the extra Attack Speed and Attack Damage to give her sustain throughout the Mid-Game and LoL enemies without Burst Damage will struggle a lot more to take down Bel'Veth. Critical Hit Chance has amazing synergy with Attack Speed and Attack Damage, further enhancing Bel'Veth's DPS (Damage Per Second) with Auto Attacks. Although it's only 20% Critical Hit Chance, it will feel like it's much higher due to how many Attacks players will dish out per second, compared to most other Champions.

Lastly, the Armor and Magic Resistance will reduce incoming damage from Physical Attacks and Magical Attacks, which will make Bel'Veth have a bit of extra durability when battling other enemies. When combined with the sustain from Life Steal, it will make Bel'Veth quite difficult to take down.

Bel'Veth Alternate Build 2

League of Legends Bel'Veth
  • Berserker Greaves
  • Blade of The Ruined King
  • Immortal Shieldbow
  • Death's Dance
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • Wit's End
  • Conqueror Keystone
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Last Stand
  • Magical Footwear
  • Cosmic Insight
  • Offense
  • Offense
  • Flex

This set-up is also extremely useful for Bel'Veth and is similar to the previously mentioned build but focuses more on Sustain and Durability while sacrificing some damage. This build is a great option when players are using Bel'Veth with a team composition that lacks Tanks or other allies that can absorb a lot of damage. Although she won't be anywhere near as resilient as a Tank, she will be able to withstand a lot more damage than most on her team. This provides more flexibility for her play style and role in team compositions.

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Against extremely durable team compositions, Bel'Veth's sustain will be able to mitigate most incoming damage in duels. This Champion loves extended fights, especially when using Conqueror Keystone. She can ramp up and max out the bonus damage stacks Conqueror offers This gives her very high dueling potential, and once she gets ahead with this build, she will seem nearly immortal when played properly.

Bel'Veth Alternate Build 3

League of Legends Bel'Veth
  • Berserker Greaves
  • Kraken Slayer
  • Blade of The Ruined King
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • Wit's End
  • Death's Dance
  • Lethal Tempo
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Coup De Grace
  • Magical Footwear
  • Cosmic Insight
  • Offense
  • Offense
  • Flex

This final build has a slightly different approach when it comes to playing LoL's Bel'Veth as it focuses more on fighting in the Early Game using Lethal Tempo. It'll give her the most damage early on compared to any other keystone along with additional Attack Range when players reach max stacks. Ganks will be more lethal and players will be able to snowball faster and harder, bringing victory closer at a quicker pace.

Lethal Tempo also shines brightly here since Bel'Veth doesn't have an Attack Speed cap. Coup de Grace will offer extra damage to low HP targets, giving players a bit more burst to execute enemies. Magical Footwear saves players extra gold on purchasing boots since they'll be obtained naturally after a given time from this rune.

League of Legends is available on Windows and MacOS systems.

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