Thanks to League of Legends, Riot Games manages to offer a unique multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) experience to the genre's fanbase. After all, fans who want a change of pace from Dota 2 can go to League for new heroes, fresh mechanics, and equally-intense battles. As such, it's no surprise how millions play the game online, with more newcomers arriving along the way. Moreover, its competitive esports scene motivates a lot of players to "go pro" and even start earning by joining competitions and showcasing their skills.

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Thankfully, with 150 Champions in the game, newbies may get the hang of the game pretty easily with the right characters. However, just which of these Champions works best to guide League newbies? Moreover, just which of these Champions may become too difficult to handle on a beginner level?

10 Beginner-Friendly: Garen

Garen serves as a reliable Tank for both beginners and veteran players. Thanks to Passive - Perseverance, Garen has boosted health regeneration, enabling newbies to tinker with combos. While Garen struggles against ranged combatants, he can easily punish Champions in melee.

Moreover, Garen perhaps boasts one of the simplest yet effective combo chains. Triggering W - Courage boosts his magic resistance and armor whenever he kills units. In addition, Q - Decisive Strike and E - Judgment serve as great combos, as Q can silence opponents while E hits multiple targets at once. Lastly, his Ult - Demacian Justice enables Garen to slam his sword down to bring divine justice to a target.

9 Step Up: Azir

Despite being a powerful DPS mage, Azir does have quite the squishy nature. As such, players often use him defensively. For instance, his Passive - Shurima's Legacy allows him to transform marked ruins into Sun Discs that act as turrets. This ability makes Azir optimal to control positions or even distract enemies.

In addition, Azir's difficulty arises when players consider his skillset that primarily deals with minion control. W - Arise! allows him to summon untargetable Sand Soldiers which can attack enemies for him. He can reposition them with Q - Conquering Sands, and E - Shifting Sands to move towards them. Lastly, his Ult - Emperor's Divide lets Azir call a team of soldiers to attack enemies and form a wall for a short duration.

8 Beginner-Friendly: Shyvana

Shyvana teaches newbies fast lessons on Jungler Champions with her moveset. Her Passive - Fury of the Dragonborn boosts her damage against dragons and the bonuses she gets from them. Moreover, as Shyvana's strength depends on the dragons she kills, players need to learn how to maximize Shyvana's presence in the jungle.

For instance, her E - Flame Breath amplifies the damage of her basic attacks. As such, this skill serves as a great pair for Q - Twin Bite, which combines two basic attacks at once. Her W - Burnout also gives constant damage-over-time. Not to mention, her Ultimate - Dragon's Descent transforms Shyvana into a literal dragon that knocks back enemies and gives Shyvana an edge anywhere on the map.

7 Step Up: Yasuo

Yasuo easily becomes a fan-favorite for his mobility and capacity to dominate the late game. Unfortunately, he tends to be vulnerable against crowd control. However, mastering Yasuo enables him to solo lanes and farm easily. For instance, his Passive - Way of the Wanderer allows him to generate Flow as he travels, which he can expend to get a massive shield for a second.

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Despite his difficulty, fans do love him for his combos. For instance, Q - Steel Tempest gives him the ability to strike enemies and unleash a whirlwind. His W -Wind Wall gives him a projectile blocker, while E - Sweeping Blade allows him to dash towards enemies. Lastly, his Ult - Last Breath lets him blink-attack an airborne unit and gives him massive buffs.

6 Beginner-Friendly: Annie

Annie's cute appearance becomes a terror on the battlefield when she starts burning everything around her. She has high magic burst damage and crowd control skills make her a viable mid-lane Champion for beginners. After all, her Passive can stun enemies hit with her fifth skill cast.

Additionally, Q - Disintegrate fires a simple firebolt... except it gives Annie half-cooldown and the entire mana cost if Q becomes the last hit. Meanwhile, W - Incinerate unleashes a cone of fire to enemies. Pesky attackers won't stand a chance with E - Molten Shield, which wraps Annie in a shield of flame. Lastly, Ult - Summon Tibbers literally transforms Tibbers, Annie's teddy bear, into a demonic bear monster.

5 Step Up: Riven

Riven fans love this Champion for her mobility and capability to punish entire teams during late-game. Unfortunately, despite her easy-to-use (almost predictable) nature, she can become difficult to master. Her Passive - Runic Blade gives her charges whenever she uses an ability, all of which enhances her autoattacks.

Q - Broken Wings allows her to dash-attack towards a target for up to three times, each giving Runic Blade charges. Her W - Ki Burst lets her emit a stun field around her, while E - Valor gives her a shield as she dashes forward. Lastly, Ult - Blade of the Exile gives her buffs, increases the area of Q and W, and even give her a powerful cone-attack Wind Slash.

4 Beginner-Friendly: Caitlyn

Caitlyn might seem squishy for an ADC. After all, Caitlyn serves as the Champion with the longest range in the entire game, surpassed only by some in the late game. Either way, despite her simple skillset, Caitlyn can deal damage from afar without worrying about her safety.

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Caitlyn's main asset would be W - Yordle Snap Trap, which traps enemies. Meanwhile, her Q - Piltover Peacemaker helps Caitlyn deal damage to a line of enemies. Her E - 90 Caliber Net serves as an escape tool, as she jumps backward and fires a net that slows opponents. Lastly, her Ult - Ace in the Hole can deal devastating damage provided players line up a shot within her loading duration.

3 Step Up: Draven

Draven players love his ADC potential thanks to his innate abilities. He boasts great burst damage coupled with great movespeed, although players have a hard time juggling and positioning. His Passive - League of Draven allows him to gain stacks when he kills anything, and extra gold for killing Champions.

His Q - Spinning Axe serves as his main damage dealer, while W - Blood Rush boosts his attack speed and movement speed. E - Stand Aside slows down enemy Champions, leaving them open for the chase. Lastly, Ult - Whirling Death lets him hurl his axes and damage everything on their way. Despite the fun nature of Draven, players might find him difficult to use as a lot of his successful combos rely on his axe positions.

2 Beginner-Friendly: Janna

Janna serves as a great Support introduction to players. For instance, Q - Howling Gale knocks up enemies in its general direction, while W - Zephyr can slow a target. Meanwhile, E - Eye of the Storm gives Janna a shield that absorbs damage and increases attack damage of teammates in Janna's proximity. These skills alone make Janna great for the defensive, as well as support.

However, Janna shines with Ult - Monsoon. When she uses this, the skill knocks back all enemies around her. Moreover, Janna grants healing to Champions around her as long as she stands still. This skill does leave Janna vulnerable, but this also teaches newbies how the right position can change the tide of battle.

1 Step Up: Lee Sin

Lee Sin fans love this Champion for his early-game potential, as he can go toe-to-toe against most Champions provided he gets the chance to snowball early. However, the difficulty arises when Lee Sin players need to be careful with his particular combos. These factors begin with Passive - Flurry as autoattacks after abilities store energy and gain 40% attack speed, making Lee Sin dependent on autoattacks for regeneration.

His Q - Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike allows him to close the gap between him and enemies, as it can become both a projectile and a dash spell. Moreover, W - Safeguard/Iron Will enables him to get great sustain while jungling. E - Tempest/Cripple gives Lee Sin decent crowd control, which is perfect for defense. Meanwhile, Ult - Dragon's Rage grants Lee Sin a great knockback ability — perfect to send enemies to his teammates.

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