For all the chaos, uncertainty, and barrage of negativity the world has faced over the course of the past few months, video games have offered a small respite from the madness that's actively consuming the world. With entire cities restlessly locked indoors, video games have been something to look forward to, but even they aren't immune from what has been, at best, a tumultuous time for the world.

The Last of Us 2's delay stung. With so little to be excited about during the pandemic, and a calendar that will likely see many other games pushed back before the year is done, The Last of Us 2's coronavirus-fueled delay seemed like a final middle-finger to the millions of people around the world that can do nothing other than remain at home and hope for the best right now. It was just the beginning.

RELATED: A Complete Timeline of The Last of Us 2's Development

By now, most have likely heard of the massive Last of Us 2 leak circulating the internet. Seemingly from a developer build of the game, cutscenes, plot points, and other details are now running loose in the wild, with almost no one safe from spoilers except those willing to forgo most of the internet. While the Last of Us' gameplay can stand on its own, the narrative is the primary draw for most people, and for thousands– having already had the game's plot leaked to them, or inevitably having it spoiled in the coming weeks– that draw is now ruined.

The Internet Cannibalizes Itself (Again)

Ellie and Dina winter The Last of Us 2 Header Wide

So, how did the internet get here? The sad fact is that it was a perfect storm. Where exactly blame lies is anyone's guess, maybe it's with Naughty Dog's crunch culture presumably pushing a disgruntled employee to leak the game, maybe it's with the coronavirus pandemic causing yet another delay, or maybe it's with a vitriolic internet culture unable or unwilling just to let people enjoy a small pleasure in a mind-bendingly horrible time.

Remove any one of those factors, and maybe things wouldn't be where they're at right now. Had The Last of Us 2 made its February 21st release date initially, the internet already would've moved on, ready and waiting for Ghost of Tsushima to release, punctuating a successful final year for the PlayStation 4. No game developer can be faulted for the coronavirus pandemic or its fallout, that's the result of far more factors than any facet of the entertainment industry could ever dream of happening at one time.

The question now, which may well have an answer by the time all is said and done, is if Naughty Dog gave itself enough time with the delay in the first place. The original push from February to the ill-fated May launch was to help polish up the game, but if that simply prolonged and exacerbated the 100-hour workweeks that are shockingly regular in the industry– and reportedly common at Naughty Dog– it's no small surprise that a disgruntled employee would leak the game.

That's not to say that whoever leaked the game is free from any blame, and the leaker being an employee is a presumption in the first place. Doubtlessly, a large portion of the mess is in their hands, whoever they may be. The leak was very intentional, simply judging by the amount that's found its way out into the wild. This leak wasn't intended to be a small tease or spoiler of what's to come, instead, it was intended to let the internet do what it does best: ruin something. Whether that was to get back at the internet or Naughty Dog itself, it worked.


For those now circulating the leak, surprise dropping key plot points into comment sections across the internet or any other well-trafficked place people will see them, know that it is but a drop in the sea contributing to a culture that does nothing but harm the industry. Video games are relatively inconsequential in the grand scheme of things and having one spoiled is not be that huge of a deal, all things considered. But it's hard to say that implied camaraderie the internet should have during this time isn't damaged. Spreading these spoilers does nothing more than add fuel to the fire that has burned the developer's s hard work, the fan's anticipation, and potentially ruined an otherwise solid experience for gamers.

For those burnt by the leaks, it's important to remember that a game's ending is a key piece, but a story is also greater than its last 15 minutes. Those that found their way into a hive of leaked information, unintentionally or intentionally, can at least rejoice in the fact that there is still a game to play, and that journey will be greater than the sum of its parts. Story beats that go unstrung without the score to accentuate it, without the gameplay to complement, and without the proper development to hit it home is not a story. It's certainly not The Last of Us 2.

For the developers, fans, and anyone else that didn't want the game leaked, this is the worst-case scenario. It's an unfortunate situation with no real remedy. It's something the internet may well forget in the weeks to come, but for now, the situation, as it stands, is what may become one of gaming's cinematic masterpieces being diminished by the actions of a few.

The Last of Us 2 will release on June 19th for PS4.

MORE: Neil Druckmann Reveals Big Reason Why The Last of Us 2 is Not Getting Early Digital Release