With the Early Access release of Kerbal Space Program 2, there has been a new wave of players learning about rocket science. This game follows the cult classic original that has cemented itself as one of the greatest simulation games of all time. The sequel has had a slightly underwhelming release after a few delays but has a massive amount of potential.

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The new game has more features and the plan is to make it bigger and better than its predecessor. The game's learning curve can be described as steep, but that could be an understatement. Without patience and a willingness to learn, new players will make some mistakes. The good news is everyone makes mistakes in Kerbal Space Program 2, and it is okay because that is part of the game!

8 Rocket Science Is Hard

Kerbal Space Program 2 Wobbly Rocket

Kerbal Space Program 2 tries to be realistic with its rocket science, so don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t work the first time. The game is all about learning, building, and playing through the experience of various experiments. Players will need to learn from their mistakes and make sure when success happens to note down what went right and what went wrong.

Players from the original game will be used to disaster, but new players might be shocked at how much can go wrong from little mistakes.

7 Nice Atmosphere You Got Here

Kerbal Space Program 2 Environment

Kerbal Space Program 2 has all new planets to explore, and each of them is very different. So, when building a rocket, players must remember that each environment will differ. The atmosphere affects landing and take-off, so bear that in mind.

For example, the gas giant Jool, similar to Jupiter, has very strong gravity. This means that taking off from Jool is going to be an expensive affair as it requires a lot more resources to break out of the atmosphere. Sometimes players will need to alter their designs to accommodate these inconvenient atmospheres.

6 Incorrect Staging

Kerbal Space Program 2 Building

A classic problem for most players will be not paying attention to the staging. This means the order in which the different parts will be activated during the flight. For example, having the decouplers activate first would not be ideal.

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It is easier to follow than the first game as the engineer notes can help players with any issues that might arise from incompatible staging lists. It would also be worth mentioning that this list order can be changed during the flight, just in case players need to make any adjustments on the fly.

5 Not Enough Fuel

Kerbal Space Program 2 Happy

There are times when the most simple things can go wrong. Like keeping the throttle at 100% and burning through more fuel than expected. Fuel can sometimes occupy this blank space for players as it often runs out sooner than hoped. Players can often undershoot the amount of fuel that is needed to complete a mission, so it might be wise to plan thoroughly. Always take a little more, or plan for the possibility of running out of fuel.

Things like suboptimal flight paths can increase the amount of fuel needed, so there is always a chance that more is better. If players find that they always underestimate the fuel cost, try limiting the ship’s mass. The lower the mass, the less fuel will be needed, so cut down on the extras.

4 Remember Landing Is Important

Kerbal Space Program 2 Flag

Don’t just design the rockets for take off as landing is just as important. Many a veteran Kerbal Space Program player will remember a time that a mission was almost successful. The take-off was good, and the flight was good, but then the landing took an unexpected turn.

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Keep in mind that landing needs to be as precise as the lift-off, even though the lift-off is the best bit of the game. Try finding a suitable spot like a hill or crater and aim for the middle of this. A slow descent will always be better than rushing the job, so take as much time as necessary. Landing is a skill just like any other mechanic in the game, so practice will make perfect.

3 Not Using A Quick Save Reload

Kerbal Space Program 2 Rocket Explosion

While most people may consider this cheating in other games, Kerbal Space Program 2 is a different matter. In Kerbal Space Program 2, reloading a save after testing some things out is just sensible. Players need to figure out mistakes, but having a save ready to jump back into is not technically cheating and should be used by beginners to help their learning.

The game is very unforgiving and has a steep learning curve. Remember to use all the tools available to improve. This means saving and reloading if the need arises, F5 to quick save and F9 to reload the last save.

2 Using Different Part Sizes

Kerbal Space Program 2 New Parts

One new addition to Kerbal Space Program 2 is that while in the vehicle building assembly, the parts now come in different sizes.

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As a beginner, it might be tempting to mix and match the ship parts, but it is better to stick to the same size while learning the game. As so much can go wrong so soon, keeping the same size parts means that it minimizes the chance of failure due to incompatibility or weight distribution issues. Following ship-building guides is also beneficial before starting off with an original design.

1 Not Using The Engineers Report

kerbal space program 2 engineers report

The Kerbal engineers want to help players successfully launch their ships to explore space and will give handy notices while in the VAB. Much like ignoring a tutorial, or skipping important dialogue boxes, ignoring the engineer report is inadvisable.

It is there for a good reason and can stop players from making simple but catastrophic errors in this vast simulation game. However, bear in mind that the report is not always accurate and if players are attempting something specific, the engineers may see it as a fault. If that happens, it is okay to ignore the engineer's report, but it is always worth glancing over to see if there are any quick fixes to be made.

Kerbal Space Program 2 is available in Early Access for PC.

MORE: Pro Tips For Kerbal Space Program 2