A former producer at Horizon Zero Dawn developer Guerrilla Games responds to a very angry fan who is upset that the game is going to be released on PC. Sony confirmed the Horizon Zero Dawn PC release this week and while the PC version had been rumored for several months, some PS4 players aren't taking the news well.

On Twitter, a PS4 player shared a video that shows their office all smashed up, seeming to suggest that they tore it to pieces because of the Horizon Zero Dawn PC announcement. The video has been viewed 1.2 million times and one of these viewers, former Guerrilla Games producer Sam Sharma has responded.

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Sharma posted a tweet asking "What the hell is wrong" with fans who are upset that Horizon Zero Dawn won't be a PS4 exclusive when it's released on PC. The developer told fans to "be kind" to themselves and that "Your enjoyment of the game has not diminished because some more people get to play it."

The former Guerrilla Games producer wasn't the only one who had something to say about the concerning video. Some made memes of the Horizon Zero Dawn box, changing the name of the game to "H--s Mad Zero Dawn" and another copy and pasted Ninja's infamous tweets about playing games seriously.

The video seemed to give fans something to laugh at and make memes of for a few hours but the person who posted the video later revealed that it was a prank. "Due to the legitimate concern from a lot of people," they tweeted, they had to admit that the Twitter account is a parody of gamers who really do take exclusive games that seriously.

This video may have been a prank but there are some angry PS4 players who have been posting about it on Twitter. However, it's unlikely that this will affect Sony's plans to release its games on PC. In the Horizon Zero Dawn PC announcement, Sony said that it isn't planning on bringing all of its exclusive games to PC but suggested it is possible that more could be released.

The sales of Horizon Zero Dawn PC will likely be much more important in any decision Sony makes. The company may also ask Kojima Productions about the sales of Death Stranding on PC to see how many gamers want PS4 exclusives on PC. Companies typically care far more about the potential money they could make than they do about upset fans or parody accounts pretending to be them.

Horizon Zero Dawn will make its way to PC in summer 2020.

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