Hooked on You: A Dead by Daylight Dating Sim gives players the opportunity romance four different killers. Among those romantic options is the Huntress, and indeed she is one that many fans will be interested in pursuing. For those players that would like to woo the Huntress in Hooked on You: A Dead by Daylight Dating Sim, this guide details the choices that should be made during the playthrough.

Hooked on You: Huntress Route Walkthrough

There are two things that players should know about Dead by Daylight's Huntress straightaway, as this information will inform some of the decisions that must be made in order to successfully romance her. Firstly, family is her highest priority, and fans should make sure to align themselves with that core value. Secondly, the Huntress does not need to be protected, and players should not try to do so if she appears to be in trouble.

RELATED: Dead By Daylight: How To Survive Against The Dredge

With these basics established, players should work through the preliminary questioning that occurs on the beach and then select the beach with the volleyball net when speaking with DbD's Claudette and Dwight. Fans should then select the Huntress as both the killer that they will bet on and the killer that caught their eye to start a conversation with her. During this conversation, players should select "Imagination" and do their best at the hatchet mini-game.

Soon after completing the hatchet mini-game, fans of visual novels will find themselves at dinner with the killers, and they should select "I'm Sorry" during it. Then, upon waking up on the beach, players should accept the jerky from the Huntress and then select her for the story time around the fire. Players should now join in on the singing and then pick these options in the hot tub before summoning the Huntress to their side by the fire:

  • No way! How cool!
  • Chuckle awkwardly.

The next day, fans should opt to hang out with the Huntress to visit her cabin. At this location, players should say "it's so...much!" when asked about her collection and then grab a shashka during the crab attack. Finally, fans should say that they do want to start a family and validate the Huntress's theory to close out the scene.

hooked on you huntress route

At this point, players should continually reject the Trapper's advances and then find the Huntress in the woods with a mini-game. During the dinner that follows this activity, Dead by Daylight fans should tell of their brush with death and then tell a romance story around the fire. When that story concludes, players should have the Huntress tell a story and then pick her for the evening activity.

While enjoying an evening with the Huntress, she will offer to make a mask, and players should choose Angler Fish Mask. Then, when asked to pick mushrooms, fans should select left, left, right. Players should now close out the date by indicating that all the killers are hot and then suggesting that they would kill 'em all. Shortly after that, fans will be able to actually select one Dead by Daylight killer to dispatch, and they should select anyone but the Huntress.

hooked on you huntress route

Players have now reached the final day in this DbD dating simulator, and they should give Huntress the flower in the morning. At her cabin, fans should freak out, say "HELL YES!" and then help her recover her trinkets. Notably, players should make sure to pick Underground Tunnel when heading to the Trapper's Cave for a trinket to avoid a game over.

With the trinkets recovered, players will encounter the Huntress's mother back at her cabin. Fans should say "What an Honor," "Of Course," and "To Start a Family Together" during this encounter. All that players need to do now is chop up Claudette and Dwight and confess their love to the Huntress to complete their romantic pursuits.

Hooked on You: A Dead by Daylight Dating Sim is available on PC.

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