Hood: Outlaws & Legends crept up on an unaware gaming community thanks to the hyped release of Resident Evil 8. It's unfortunate because the title offers some interesting gameplay mechanics (even if it may seem a bit basic at launch). The core of the game pits two teams of outlaws against one another, with the goal of securing as much gold as possible from a corrupt government. It's very much inspired by Robin Hood and the stories revolving around the legend of Sherwood Forest.

RELATED: Hood: Outlaws and Legends - Is There Crossplay?

Players will join a four-man squad, choosing a hero to play as before being tossed into the fray and ordered to pilfer gold from a compound crawling with lawmen. Through a combination of stealth and brute force, the team will need to incapacitate the guards and deal with an abundance of A.I.-controlled enemies. It's exciting and exhilarating, with each hero offering up a different playstyle and giving players a chance to shine individually in their roles. It's very much a team game and solid teamwork can make all the difference between victory and defeat.

Is There Singleplayer In Hood: Outlaws & Legends?

Unfortunately, many players have expressed their frustrations due to the player-versus-player element that is present in the current game mode. It's not just the enemy A.I. that you'll have to deal with, but an entire team of player-controlled heroes that are working towards the same objective. The winner of a match is determined by who steals the most gold from the guarded chest in a given level. Those craving a single-player cooperative experience will definitely feel put off by this. So it begs the question, is there a single-player mode in Hood: Outlaws & Legends?

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In short, no there isn't. Currently, there is no game mode in Hood: Outlaws & Legends that will allow you to play in a single-player setting. That said, there are still some areas within the game that are purely single-player by design. Unfortunately, all of these areas are for training purposes only. The training area in your Hideoout will allow you to practice your chosen hero's abilities and learn their movements. There is also a PvE mode that places you into a map populated with enemy A.I. Unfortunately, there is no objective in this mode and it simply exists to help players get comfortable with the layout of the map and test their abilities on guards from different areas.

Hopefully, developers will toss out a single-player mode in the future because all of the necessary elements are there. Sadly, in its current form, you won't find any single-player modes in Hood: Outlaws & Legends, at least not any with a playable objective. If you want to progress in the game, you'll need to jump into the fray with other players.

NEXT: Hood: Outlaws And Legends: All Four Heroes And What They Can Do