In Hogwarts Legacy, players can fly around the vast open-world RPG map on various types of brooms and mounts, with some slightly better or faster than others. Hogwarts Legacy lets players choose a standard universal broom skin from a small selection of options, the only difference being cosmetic appearances. Still, players can upgrade their broom to a maximum of 3 levels and purchase different brooms for some heftier gold price tags.

Broom flying mostly feels smooth and satisfying, and it also gets better as players upgrade their broom. Hogwarts Legacy's best brooms include positive traits that improve the experience, like faster speed duration. However, in other ways, its brooms don't stand up to the tremendously quick and nimble brooms portrayed in the Harry Potter movies. Hogwarts Legacy's broom upgrades are more about traveling the world a little faster, and even that becomes slightly unnecessary when the fastest way to travel the world map is by Floo Flame.

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Best Brooms And Broom Abilities In The Harry Potter Movies

Firebolt broom in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The Harry Potter movies have some seriously fast and agile brooms. Harry shows off his broom skills right from the beginning with his flying lesson in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone,where Harry gets the speedy Nimbus 2000. Harry also stands on it to catch the Snitch in a way not too dissimilar to Hogwarts Legacy's broom-running glitch, where players stand on top of the broom in broom-surfing style. However, its speed and acceleration can't keep up with the Firebolt broom that Harry gets at the end of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The Firebolt is known as the fastest broom in the world, with its incredibly fast speed and acceleration.

Summoning brooms with Accio in the Harry Potter movies also often looks more impressive and is more useful compared to Hogwarts Legacy, with Harry using the spell to time his jump onto the broom during The Goblet of Fire's first Triwizard Tournament trial. Hogwarts Legacy's lack of Quidditch may explain why there are no broom tricks as seen in the movies' Quidditch matches and flying lessons. However, their presence could certainly make time trials a bit more interesting if players had to shoot through rings in different ways. Although possibly trickier to design, using Accio to summon a broom to make a quick getaway could make the broom's role more integral and exciting.

Hogwarts Legacy's Best Brooms Compared To The Harry Potter Movie Brooms

Hogwarts Legacy Night Dancer Broom And Broom Upgrades

Some of Hogwarts Legacy's best broom mods are creating brooms that are even faster than those offered in the game, such as the Faster and Better Brooms Mod. Hogwart's Legacy's three broom upgrades reduce the time it takes to decelerate and allow players to fly faster for longer, but not that fast when compared to the Firebolt or the Nimbus 2000. The level 3 broom upgrade makes broom speed burst rarely decline, so players can generally speed boost around the map as much as they like, but that is the only difference. Decelerating or turning brooms is also a lot slower and more cumbersome compared to the movie brooms' quick stops, sometimes leaving players awkwardly circling around a collectible.

For players looking to get all Hogwarts Legacy brooms, there are some beautiful cosmetic skins to choose from, such as the glowing Night Dancer broom. In many ways, some look far better than brooms in the Harry Potter movies. However, although Hogwarts Legacy's brooms don't need to be as agile as those in the movies with no Quidditch in the game, they'd be more compelling if they could do more things. It didn't necessarily need to step into Tony Hawk trick territory, like flying upside down or doing spins. However, it could be cool to have the option to shake up broom travel and skill tests like the Time Trials and range of flying class lessons.

Overall, Hogwarts Legacy has done a good job with broom flight, especially with the ability to rapidly descend, which is spectacular but feels even better when using one of Hogwarts Legacy's mounts. However, broom flying could be even more fantastic if the developers drew upon broom capabilities in the Harry Potter movies to enable players to fly faster and with more style.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. PS4 and Xbox One versions release on April 4 and a Nintendo Switch version releases July 25.

MORE: Hogwarts Legacy: The History of Brooms And Broom Racing