Hearthstone recently revealed Murder at Castle Nathria, a murder mystery-themed card set based in the Shadowlands. However, one Hearthstone artist’s latest additions to their Artstation contained art from cards not yet revealed in the set–including some that might actually be from the Mini-Set.

Murder at Castle Nathria is the second set from Hearthstone’s Year of the Hydra. It tells the story of how Sire Denathrius, master of Revendreth, has been murdered during a dinner party - with the guests being the prime suspects. The 135 cards coming in the set are currently being revealed by various Hearthstone streamers and content creators.

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The artwork in question was published on the Artstation of Konstantin Turovec, a professional illustrator who has worked with Hearthstone for over two dozen card sets. His new Murder at Castle Nathria gallery contains incredible art from the new set, including several pieces that likely belong to unrevealed cards. A few of the art pieces–specifically the ones titled Jury Duty, Perjury, Life Sentence, and Dew Process–don’t seem to fit the card set’s location and theme of Revendreth perfectly.

These cards appear to depict locations and creatures from Torghast, the Tower of the Damned found within the Shadowlands realm of the Maw. Conversely, the rest of the card set takes place in Revendreth, the purgatory-esque realm ruled by the vampiric Venthyr. The cards in question make clear reference to what appears to be a court hearing located in the terrible tower, which would be the perfect setting for Hearthstone’s Murder at Castle Nathria Mini-Set - half-sized card sets that bolster the main set a few months after its release.

It is important to note that all of Murder at Castle Nathria’s cards have not been revealed yet. It is entirely possible these Torghast-themed cards could actually be cards included in the main set. Alternatively, this artwork could be from commissions Hearthstone chose not to use in cards or art that hasn't been assigned to anything yet.

Players are intrigued by the Hearthstone art leak. Revendreth was a natural setting for the Shadowlands-based Hearthstone card set because of Sire Denathrius’ popularity, but the Jailer–master of Torghast–was one of the least-popular aspects of the Shadowlands expansion. However, Hearthstone has a tendency to take aspects of Warcraft and make them quirky and fun. Players will have to wait and see if this Torghast-themed art is truly a teaser for a future Hearthstone Mini-Set. If so, it will be interesting to see if Hearthstone can portray the Jailer better than World of Warcraft did.

Hearthstone is available now for mobile and PC. Murder at Castle Nathria launches August 2nd.

MORE: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Afterlives Revendreth - Who is Sire Denathrius?

Source: Artstation/Konstantin Turovec