It has been some time since anything was heard about Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, the location-based augmented reality game from the creators of Pokemon GO. But it seems like Niantic is finally ready to start building up to a bigger Wizards United announcement. Today the company dropped a fun CG teaser trailer, part of what may be a series of teasers regarding "Magic at Large."

The teaser trailer is framed like it's a case file for an event under investigation, with this file named Trace no. 74 "Riderless Nimbus." The trailer goes on to show a stretch of empty highway with a roadwork sign, only for several riderless brooms to speed by and leaving swirling dust in their wakes. A diagram is shown, as well as a filing slip with the event's "Threat Level" and "Registry" noted, before red tape with the Magic at Large labeling is slapped on top of it.

What's being insinuated by the teaser is that there is an increasing number of magical events happening where Muggles can see them. It'll be up to players in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite to maintain the peace and react to these Magic at Large events.

Visiting the Wizarding World website further helps to explain the context of this latest teaser. In a bold heading, the website proclaims, "The Wizarding World is at Risk of Exposure." Sitting next to the heading is a wavering meter for the Magic Exposure Threat Level. A description follows that is likely key to understanding the story that Wizards Unite will push as it launches:

"Please resist the urge to panic. Traces of magic are appearing across the Muggle world without warning and in a rather chaotic manner. We worry it is only a matter of time before even the most incurious Muggles catch wind of it. We call on all witches and wizards to help contain the Calamity or risk the worst of times since You Know Who. Brush up on your spells, get your wand ready, and enlist immediately."

Following that is a rallying cry for witches and wizards to volunteer, asking them to "save the wizarding world from the Calamity." Players will be made a part of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force within the Ministry of Magic and International Confederation of Wizards.

However, it doesn't appear that Niantic is ready to launch Harry Potter: Wizards Unite or begin registrations for a beta. The "Enlist Now" sign-up appears to be solely for a newsletter. Perhaps the teaser itself is a hint that the game is nearing its launch window, which had previously been announced as 2019.

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is planned for release in 2019 for mobile devices.