With Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery celebrating its 2 year anniversary, it's safe to say that there are many players who were once invested in the game and have since moved on. This inevitably happens with all video games over time, especially ones that require such a significant time investment as Hogwarts Mystery. Considering this, some fans that used to play Hogwarts Mystery may be shocked to learn that the game recently killed off a major character. Spoilers for Hogwarts Mystery follow, so proceed with caution.

For those who don't have the time or Energy to play through the story but are curious as to the major plot developments, it was revealed some time ago in Hogwarts Mystery that Patricia Rakepick was actually an evil witch, and not the benevolent professor she pretended to be at first. This put Rakepick in direct conflict with the protagonist and their friends, eventually leading to Rakepick killing none other than Rowan Khanna.

RELATED: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Celebrates 2 Year Anniversary With Fan Contest

Rowan Khanna's death in Hogwarts Mystery comes when the player is investigating the mysterious "R" character in Forest Grove. A duel then breaks out between Rakepick and the kids, with Rakepick attempting to kill Ben Copper with the Killing Curse. However, Rowan Khanna jumped in the way of the curse, sacrificing themselves so that Ben could live.

Rowan Khanna is the main character's best friend in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, and is one of the first characters that players meet in the game. Considering this, their death is hugely significant in the world of Hogwarts Mystery, and has played into the ongoing story since then. It triggered Ben Copper, Merula Snyde, and the main character to create the "Circle of Khanna" organization to fight R and solve the ongoing mystery about Jacob's disappearance.

A significant story development like this is certainly one way that Jam City can get lapsed Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery players yet again invested in the game. However, the studio has tried some other things as well. Besides the aforementioned 2 year anniversary event, Jam City has also hosted an Energy Happy Hour event to give players free Energy to spend in the game. The studio has also added new features, like Quidditch, with the hope of keeping players engaged on a long-term basis.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery may not be as popular as it was at launch, but the game still has some very dedicated fans. As Hogwarts Mystery nears Year 7 and its conclusion, those fans will definitely be excited to see what happens next.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

MORE: New Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Update Adds Yet Another Plot Hole