Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is set about a decade before Harry Potter begins his adventures at Hogwarts, and it gives players a chance to see what some characters were up to before the start of the books. This includes Fang, Hagrid's dog, who is a puppy at the time the game takes place. However, fans have noticed that Fang stays a puppy for years in the game.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery players first come across puppy Fang in Year 1. After tapping on a stick in the Castle Grounds area, puppy Fang will pick it up and carry it away, netting players some free energy in the process. Then in Year 2, players can complete a side quest where they help Hagrid free Fang from a Devil's Snare using a fire-breathing potion. After this quest is complete, Hagrid even lets players give Fang his name.

Despite the fact that this side quest takes place more than a year after the first time Fang is encountered, he is still a puppy. Even worse, Fang still appears as a puppy in Year 3 whenever players click on the stick in the Castle Grounds, meaning that he is still a puppy despite being at least three years old at that point.

harry potter hogwarts mystery devil's snare

While it's possible "magic" could be used to explain away Fang being stuck as a puppy, the likelier explanation is that this is just another continuity error in the game. Despite the entire draw of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery being its story, fans have discovered numerous plot holes and continuity errors, including some that have broken established Harry Potter canon.

To the credit of developers Jam City, some effort has been made to fix these continuity errors. For example, the latest update seems to have removed mention of the Firebolt brand of boom, which shouldn't exist at the time Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery takes place. Whether other plot holes will be addressed or not remains to be seen, but there are quite a few to clean up.

Whether Fang ages in subsequent years remains to be seen. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery players will just have to wait for future years to be added to the game to see.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.