The skulls in Halo Infinite provide a powerful gameplay experience for players who want to take Halo, and their skills, to a different level of difficulty. Some of these skulls in Halo Infinite can only be found by scouring Zeta Halo, like the Black Eye skull, which alters player shields so that they can only recharge after melee attacks.

The Black Eye skull is one of the twelve available in-game. Halo Infinite's skulls have their unique uses, from making Halo more difficult to providing classic comedic effects like Grunt Birthday Party. The Black Eye skull is one that serves to make Infinite harder for players, and while it isn't dangerous to acquire, it can be tedious and complicated to find.

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Black Eye Skull Location

halo infinite skull

The Black Eye skull can be found on Zeta Halo, near the Raven Gate Base. At the second curve in the road leading west, at the base of a few of Zeta Halo's hexagonal mountains, there is a waterfall that players will find. Halfway up the waterfall, embedded in the cliff face, is a small opening that leads into a cave. Unlike other hidden objects in Infinite, the opening is not a Forerunner door but rather a natural gap in the rock. The Black Eye skull is prominently displayed in the middle of the cave, so players will need to use their Halo Infinite grappleshot to get up the waterfall and into the cavern.

halo infinite black eye skull map

The Black Eye Skull is useful to dedicated Halo fans and can be found without completing the Halo Infinite campaign, though players will have to reach The Sequence mission before they've unlocked the ability to reach the skull. The skull also makes players think differently about how to destroy and overtake forward operating bases (or any areas with a large concentration of enemies). Combined with skulls like Boom and Cowbell, the Black Eye skull shines by creating a supremely difficult, and oddly fun, PVE experience.

Finding all twelve skulls in Halo Infinite takes time and patience, but is well worth the effort. For players who prefer the campaign over Halo Infinite's multiplayer features, acquiring skulls is something that makes the story content playable for much longer periods and that challenges Master Chief even more on his most consequential journey in recent Halo history. For players who want a true Halo experience, skulls are part of what makes the gameplay even more powerful and epic.

Halo Infinite is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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