The Half-Life franchise, from its groundbreaking 1998 origins to its very recent foray into VR territory with Half-Life: Alyx, has introduced gamers to no shortage of terrifying creatures, ranging from the Nihilanth in Half-Life to the myriad zombies infesting the town of Ravenholm in Half-Life 2.

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Whether they were among the initial troupe of alien horrors brought in by the Resonance Cascade or creatures enslaved by the Combine and forced to fight for the empire, today we're going to check out 10 of the most terrifying creatures in the Half-Life series.

10 The Hunter

The hunter may look like a machine, but it is actually a creature the Combine has enslaved and turned into a war machine. The hunter appears in Half-Life 2: Episode 2 and is one of the most intimidating and dangerous enemies in the game, as any veteran player will attest.

The hunter shoots flechettes that explode and can kill an unsuspecting player with incredible ease. The best weapons to use against are high-powered explosives like the MP7 grenade or RPG, though objects launched with the Gravity Gun will certainly do the trick.

9 Barnacle

The barnacle is a creature that came to Earth after the resonance cascade at Black Mesa. The creature hangs from ceilings or other elevated positions and uses its tongue to pull victims up in order to eat them.

Barnacles appear in unsuspecting places, making it so when a player goes around a corner, they are dragged up to the roof and chewed on for significant amounts of damage. In Half-Life 2, barnacles appear in the dark canals, waiting for the player to accidentally walk into their tongues. Needless to say, observation and situational awareness are the keys to avoiding unpleasant encounters with them.

8 Stalker

The stalker was once a human that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Combine turn resistance fighters into stalkers, taking out their organs and making the person a mindless shell of what they once were.

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While it is not necessary to fight and kill stalkers, being told by Alyx that stalkers were once humans is terrifying. Gordon could have possibly been turned into one of these at the beginning of Half-Life 2 if Barney did not save him from boarding a train to Nova Prospekt.

7 Nihilanth

Nihilanth in his chamber on Xen in Half-Life

The Nihilanth is the final boss of Half-Life and is fought on Xen. The creature resembles a baby, and surprisingly enough, it seems the big bad of the original game was inspired by Gabe Newell's son, who was born during the making of the game.

The Nihilanth is able to use telepathy, communicating with Gordon Freeman before Freeman makes it to the creature's chamber. The creature is also able to shoot teleportation orbs, causing Freeman to teleport to a random part of the chamber. It's an amazing boss fight, if more than a bit unsettling given the visuals.

6 Antlion Guardian

The antlion guard appears in Half-Life 2: Episode 2. The creature appears in the mines after Alyx is attacked by a hunter, and Gordon needs to find larval extract.

The antlion guardian attacks anyone who comes into the nest, and after Gordon retrieves the larval extract, he is chased through the caves by the creature. Hearing the antlion guardian's feet running at the player through a small, dark cave is enough to send a shiver down anyone's spine.

5 Gargantua

The Gargantuan appears in Half-Life and Opposing Force as a mini-boss the player must fight. In Half-Life, the Gargantua appears twice and must be defeated by Gordon Freeman before he can continue. In Opposing Force, Adrian Shephard can defeat the creature by detonating dynamite at its feet.

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The creature towers over the player and can shoot flames out of its hand. This towering behemoth might not be quite unstoppable, but "intimidating" seems to be quite an understatement after seeing the raw power it can unleash.

4 Ichthyosaur

The Ichthyosaurs are creatures that appear in Half-Life and inhabit bodies of water. The creature is first seen when the player tries to obtain the crossbow, only to fall into the water it inhabits.

When playing the original GoldSrc version of Half-Life, the water appears cloudy, allowing the creature to sneak up on the player. As an interesting note, the Ichthyosaur makes a cameo in Half-Life 2 as Gordon Freeman is being teleported at the beginning of the game. The creature is seen in a lake, about to eat Freeman before he gets teleported away.

3 Jeff

scariest gaming moments 2020

Jeff was once a human that turned into a type of zombie, and he makes his debut in Half-Life: Alyx. Jeff is blind and can only detect the player through the noises they make.

Playing in VR makes this encounter even worse, as Jeff chases the player through narrow spaces until he is killed. At times the game tricks the player into thinking they defeated Jeff by locking him in a room, only to realize they have to let him out to continue.

2 Poison Headcrab

Poison headcrabs are found in Half-Life 2 and its sequel episodes. Altogether way more terrifying than its smaller cousins, this oversized headcrab variant has the ability to reduce the player's health down to 1 from just one attack, making it an exceedingly dangerous enemy.

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The poison headcrab emits a noise similar to a rattle before attacking, alerting the player to its presence and giving them only a few seconds to react. This particular headcrab is first found in Ravenholm, adding to the already terrifying setting of the zombie-infested town.

1 G-Man

The G-Man might appear to be a normal person in terms of appearances, but his abilities are supernatural and impossible for a regular human. The G-Man is shown to be able to teleport the player and to freeze time, and this is glossing over his unnerving speaking cadence and constant, nearly malicious meddling.

It is revealed in Half-Life: Alyx that the Combine trapped G-Man in a special vault in order to keep him from escaping. If the powerful Combine Empire is afraid of the G-Man and his powers, it should be assumed the G-Man is a terrifying and powerful creature.

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