When it comes to Hades' choices of weapons, the unlockable Hidden Aspects are among the most powerful forms that Prince Zag's Infernal Arms can take. For Coronacht, the Heart-Seeking Bow, this is the Aspect of Rama, avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. Rama bestows upon Zagreus the Celestial Sharanga, altering the bow's moveset.

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Rama's Special is a three-arrow volley that not only ricochets between opponents, but also inflicts Shared Suffering on those it hits. This status curse causes those affected to take damage when any foe on the battlefield is struck by Rama's Attack. This effect opens some interesting opportunities for Zagreus to change up his fighting style. Here's how Hades players can utilize keepsakes, boons, and upgrades to take advantage of Rama's unique mechanics.

Best Keepsakes

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The Aspect of Rama doesn't have any major drawbacks or specific elements that any of Zag's keepsakes directly affect. Thus, players can pick their keepsake based purely on what they find most useful for their run. A ranking of all the game's keepsakes can be found here, but the best are usually the Old Spiked Collar, Lambent Plume, and Lucky Tooth.

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Alternatively, as players will see below, certain boons work well with the Aspect of Rama. The player may also choose the keepsake of the Olympian God whose boon they are seeking out; for example, Artemis' Adamant Arrowhead.

Best Boons

Zagreus Receives A Boon From Artemis In Hades

Some boons work well no matter what weapon aspect Zagreus has in hand, such as Aphrodite's Life Affirmation or Dionysus' Strong Drink. The following boons, though, are especially useful for the Aspect of Rama's unique abilities and effects.

  • Deadly Strike (Artemis): Since the transferred damage of Shared Suffering applies only to Zag's Attack, any boost to Attack damage is welcome. This Boon also offers the chance to deal Critical damage alongside the Attack buff.
    • Most other Strike-type Boons, which apply effects to Zag's attack, boost its damage as well. Any additional status effects will apply only to the enemy hit directly, and not those who take damage through Shared Suffering. However, the damage boost applies across the board.

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  • Curse of Pain (Ares): The ricochet effect of Celestial Sharanga's Special ensures that it hits several foes each time it is fired; thus, a status curse spread by Zag's Special will affect many enemies. Of these, Curse of Pain is one of the best, inflicting delayed Doom damage.
    • Drunken Flourish (Dionysus) is useful in this regard as well.

Best Daedalus Hammer Upgrades


Like the rest of the Hidden Aspects, Rama has a unique Daedalus Hammer upgrade available. Repulse Shot will cause Zagreus' Attack to release a blast wave around him, knocking back foes close to him.

In addition to Repulse Shot, the following non-exclusive upgrades also work well with the Aspect of Rama:

  • Point-Blank Shot: Coronacht's Attack deals +150% damage to nearby foes (and, by extension, any enemy afflicted with Shared Suffering).
  • Relentless Volley: Coronacht's Special shoots +4 arrows, thus inflicting Shared Suffering on more foes.
  • Triple Shot: Coronacht's Attack fires three shots in a spread pattern, massively increasing the damage done by both the attack itself and through Shared Suffering.

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