Hades, the popular roguelike from Supergiant Games, has been well-received by players for its challenging gameplay and engaging story. However, as with any game, there are always areas for improvement, and some players have been discussing how Hades 2 could improve upon the original's gameplay. Many ways exist to enhance the original's design, from the game's environments to Hades' combat and mid-game progression. Hade's 2's protagonist, Melinoe, could also have an extended selection of weapons, magic, and boons to find as she hunts for Chronos.

One of the key ways in which Hades 2 could improve upon the original game is by adding more variety to its environments. Players were limited to exploring a single Greek mythology-inspired underworld in Hades, which, while atmospheric and interesting, became somewhat repetitive over multiple playthroughs. In Hades 2, players hope to see the game's world expand, including exploring new locations and environments, which appears to be the case according to the reveal trailer. These new environments would add more visual interest to the game and provide new conversational opportunities with new gods and mythic mortals.

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Hades 2 Could Evolve The Original's Gameplay Through Expanding What The First Did Well

A witch in dark clothing, a pointed hat, and with a mask over her face.

Another way Hades 2 could improve upon the original game is by adding new enemies and bosses to the mix. The unique settings of Hades 2 could include new enemies too like Chimera, Giants, Pythons, and even Dragons. These new enemies would not only add more variety to the sequel but would also provide new challenges and strategies for players to overcome. For example, Chimera could be immune to certain weapons or magic, forcing players to adapt their tactics.

Hades 2 could also improve upon the original game by adding more depth and complexity to its combat system. Players in Hades could pick from a handful of various weapons and magic to take on enemies with multiple boons and passive upgrades to enhance each run. Still, some players felt that the combat was shallow and repetitive. In Hades 2, players have also expressed a desire for more variety added to the combat system in the form of an even bigger selection of weapons, magic, and boons to enhance power over multiple runs. Hades 2 could even have stacking buffs as rare random loot mid-run for further combat complexity and overall replayability.

The Binding of Isaac's Synergizing Items Would Fit Nicely Within Hades 2 Gameplay

The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth

Another route Supergiant games could go for added depth in Hades 2's gameplay is through weapons, magic, and boons that stack and synergize with themselves and each other. The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ is a perfect example of items that synergize in surprising ways to create builds that potentially turn the player into an undying god. An additional method for improving Hades' gameplay may lie in how floors are generated. More rooms and room layouts would be a simple way to increase how different each run feels.

Combining greater room layouts with specially themed rooms that feature extra conversation encounters with gods in Hades 2 would certainly be one way to improve. Another improvement could be rooms that offer unique gameplay mechanics—like navigable puzzles with traps straight out of something like Rogue Legacy 2. While it is uncertain whether these improvements will be included in Hades 2, they would certainly be welcome additions. Ultimately, said additions would make the sequel to Hades an even more exciting and enjoyable roguelike for players to experience.

Hades 2 is in development, with Early Access planned for 2023.

MORE: Hades 2: Protagonist Melinoe's Mythology Explained