The Cayo Perico Heist is the newest in a long line of heists in Grand Theft Auto Online. This new heist brings players to a Caribbean island where they can rob the drug lord, El Rubio. This update brought a new take on heists and allows players to scope out the entire island to discover secondary targets, escape points, infiltration points, and tools that will all be useful.

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One of the best parts of this heist is the secrets that it holds and how players can complete it with extreme ease. This heist can also be played solo so even single players can take on the heist and earn millions quickly.

7 Scope The Drainage Tunnel

Players should make sure they have the drainage tunnel scoped

The Drainage Tunnel is by far the best place to infiltrate El Rubio's compound. It allows players to skip the part of the heist where they would typically traverse across the island. Instead, players who have the drainage tunnel scoped out can enter through the compound from the start. Players can find this infiltration point behind the compound near the south-most part of the island. It is under the water so players will have to swim down to it. Once a player has it in their sights, Pavel will state that it can be used during the heist.

6 Scope The Main Dock

Before taking on the cayo perico heist, players should scope the main dock

Another area that isn't needed during the initial heist setup is the main dock. Pavel will task players will identifying the north dock, but when it comes to the main dock, players will need to locate it on their own. Luckily, this dock is easy to find and even easier to snap a picture of. Players can take a picture of this dock from the water after scoping the drainage tunnel or they can come in from behind and take a picture of it when avoiding the guards. The main dock is easy to spot and is located around the center of the island on the Western side.

5 Set Up The Heist Right

Players taking on the cayo perico heist in GTA online will need to set it up correctly

There multiple ways to set up the heist, but only a few will allow players to get through it with blinding speed. The best vehicles for infiltration are the Alkonost, Stealth Annihilator, and the Kosatka. Each one of these vehicles can get players to the drainage tunnel with ease.

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Next, choose the drainage tunnel as the means of entering the compound. The main dock is the fastest place to escape the island when playing solo, but there are other means if a player is in a group. A player can choose to take on the heist during the day or night, but it doesn't matter which one is chosen.

4 Get Into The Compound/Take The Right Path

Speedrunning the cayo perico heist is done by taking a specific path in GTA online

Players will be using the drainage tunnel to enter the compound. There is no explanation needed except to complete cutting the grate as quickly as possible. Once everyone is in the compound is when the fun really begins. Players will want to get through it fast and there is really only one path to take.

When playing solo, the player won't need to worry about collecting the keycard. Run a path from where the compound is entered, to the left, and straight past the where the juggernaut walks. Get up the stairs of the office while taking out each guard that stands in the pathway. There are only three guards that are needed to be killed on the way into the office.

3 Get The Goods And Get Out

Once players get the goods in the cayo perico heist they will need to leave quickly

After players get down to the basement by completing the fingerprint scanner hack, they will need to escape the compound without being caught. Players who got the gate key during their trip can run through the gate that is by the main gate. Be sure to take out the guard that stands next to the gate. Players who didn't get the gate key can take a longer route by running up through the center of the compound straight to the main gate. There is a guard that players can take out if they want who strolls past the main gate.

2 Get To The Main Dock

Players should follow a route to the main dock to get out if playing solo in the GTA online Cayo perico heist

Solo players will need to take a trip to the main dock if they want to fill up their loot bag and escape. Take out the guards and camera along the main path leading out of the compound. Take the motorcycle next to the compound security gate and take a trip into the woods to the North.

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Avoid taking the road because of the cars. Travel through the woods and make it to the main dock that will be marked on the mini-map. There are two areas here that have secondary targets. Enter the main dock in the area closest to the compound. Take out the guards on the way and hit up the two buildings that have secondary targets. The next step, escape.

1 Take An Alternate Route

Players can swim away from cayo perico to escape the heist in GTA online

If a group takes on the heist and manages to get all their bags full while in the compound, they won't have a need to go to the main dock. Getting to the main dock as a group can also prove to be a little more difficult than as a solo player. Once the group is out of the compound, take a sharp turn to the right and run to the side of the building.

Once there, head over to the cliffs to the side of the compound and take a leap into the water. Dive under the water and swim out to sea. It takes about a minute to swim far enough for the heist to be completed, but players stand almost no chance of getting caught this way.

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