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God of War Ragnarok's fourteenth chapter, Unlocking the Mask, follows Atreus on his return to Asgard. Having been forced to kill a god in the previous chapter, Kratos fears that war is about to begin. In hopes of postponing it, he reluctantly allows Atreus to return to Odin's side.

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To get back to Asgard, Atreus must return to his home in Midgard to speak to Huginn, one of Odin's Ravens. Before he can enter, however, Fenrir and Angrboda appear from behind. After the cutscene plays, Huginn transports Atreus back to Asgard. The fourteenth chapter of God of War Ragnarok places Atreus in a dangerous situation, but this time, he's ready for it.

Speak With Odin

Atreus faces the door to his room in God of War Ragnarok

Upon arriving in Asgard, Atreus can make use of the wardrobe in his room to upgrade his weapons. Inside also lies a Runic Recharge and the Aesir Bow. After collecting everything, Atreus can leave and investigate Thor and Sif's room to the right. There, he will overhear Sif and Thrud arguing before Thrud returns to her room.

Atreus and Odin in God of War Ragnarok

Atreus can then find Odin in his study, but he does not receive the warm welcome he was expecting. Instead, Odin questions Atreus on his involvement in Heimdall's death. Atreus lies and tells Odin that he has no idea what happened. Though Odin remains skeptical of Atreus' intentions, he encourages him to go to Niflheim to search for the missing piece.

Finding Thor

Thor and Thrud in God of War Ragnarok

After speaking to Odin in his study, Atreus will need to find Thor. Upon approaching Thrud in the Great Hall, she will lead Atreus to the Black Thunder pub where Thor will be found neglecting his duties. Thor is drunk and is in no fit state to travel to Niflheim, and though Thrud does her best to convince him to leave, he refuses.

Atreus will be thrown into a battle against some Einherjar after Thor makes a scene. Even without his weapons, these enemies don't pose much of a challenge. To defeat them, Atreus must engage them all in close-quarter combat until he reaches the next section.

Atreus will eventually end up on the pub's second floor, where he will be tasked with dispatching the remaining Einherjar with his arrows. Thor seems to be fairing perfectly fine on his own, so the player should prioritize shooting the Einherjar attacking Thrud.

Atreus gets grabbed by an Einherjar Captain in God of War Ragnarok

When he defeats enough of them, an Einherjar Captain will break through the pillar supporting the second floor and grab him, forcing the player to mash Circle to escape. Then, Thor throws his axe, Mjolnir, at the Einherjar holding Atreus, permitting the young god to get free.

Thrud and Atreus carry Thor in God of War Ragnarok

Once the battle ends, Thor collapses to the floor, forcing Atreus and Thrud to carry him out. Getting Thor outside the pub requires the player to move the left analog stick down and hold it. Outside, Atreus will watch as Thrud scolds her father for breaking his promise to her. When she leaves, Huginn will warp Atreus and Thor to Niflheim, where they will begin the search for the next Mask piece.

Exploring Niflheim

Atreus finds a Red Coffin in God of War Ragnarok

To find where the next piece of the Mask is, the player must press left on the D-Pad to equip the Mask Atreus has. Before following the direction it points in, Atreus can find a Red Coffin down the corridor behind where he emerged from the portal.

Atreus uses the Mask in God of War Ragnarok

Following the path forward passed the two Hel-Walkers and into the next area, Atreus must engage a slightly larger Hel-Walker hoard in combat. Once they have all been vanquished, aiming the Mask at the ice wall in this area will allow him to proceed.

The Frozen Caverns

Atreus reaches the Frozen Caverns in God of War Ragnarok

The player should be cautious while progressing forward as several Hel-Walkers are hiding in the ice walls. At the end of this hallway awaits another wall of ice that only Thor can break through. After aiming the Mask at it, the way forward will open.

While hugging the left wall in the next room, Atreus will find a Legendary Chest containing the Bitter Squirrel, a Runic Summon. Returning to the previous area, he can grapple to the distant ice ledge and move on.

Atreus reaches the Pale Meadows in God of War Ragnarok

The upcoming few hallways are riddled with Hel-Walkers. The best way to approach them is to allow Thor to dish out most of the damage while Atreus shoots arrows at them from a distance. Atreus arrives at the Pale Meadows after emerging from the icy tunnel system. Before jumping down, the player should save the game in preparation for the upcoming boss fight.

Defeating The Frost Ancient

Atreus faces the Frost Ancient in God of War Ragnarok

The Frost Ancient begins the battle by spewing a beam of ice at Atreus. Avoiding it requires Atreus to dodge just as it passes over him. It can also fire several unpredictable ice projectiles, so it's best to keep moving while facing it. If things weren't bad enough, there are Hel-Walkers everywhere, but Thor will take care of most of them.

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Like the Ancient in Vanaheim, the best way to defeat the Frost Ancient is to attack its exposed core. If the player wants to ensure victory, Ingrid, Atreus' sentient sword, should be used to increase the Frost Ancient's stagger gauge. Once it is stunned, Atreus can fire an arrow at its core to leave it open to attack.

Atreus uses the Mask in God of War Ragnarok

After aiming the Mask at the ice wall in the arena, Thor will create a path to a dead end. Once he's finished fighting the Hel-Walker, Atreus must point the Mask at the same wall to prompt him to smash through it. In the next area, Thor will escort Atreus to the top of the ice wall in their way.

Atreus and Thor reach the Mist Fields in God of War Ragnarok

Upon entering the Mist Fields, Atreus will notice a wide open area to his right. There's nothing there apart from some Hacksilver, but it does serve a purpose later on. Once the Hacksilver here has been collected, following the previous path forward will lead Atreus to his destination. He'll encounter some Nightmares and Hel-Walkers along the way, but they are easily bested thanks to his bow.

Atreus uses the Mask in God of War Ragnarok

At the end of this path, Atreus must aim the Mask at the distant statues across from where he is. Then, the player must mash the Circle button to find the missing piece. Once the Mask is whole again, Odin makes his entrance.

Return To Sindri's House

Atreus and Kratos in God of War Ragnarok

After a short cutscene, Atreus will find himself back with the Yggdrasil, where he reconvenes with his father. The player will then take control of Kratos before setting off back to Sindri's House.

Kratos and Atreus in God of War Ragnarok

Tyr suggests the group sneaks into Asgard to use the Mask themselves. After the next cutscene, Kratos and Atreus will leave for their home in Midgard, marking the end of the chapter.

God of War: Ragnarok is available now for PS4 and PS5.